- adverse,
- annoying,
- antagonistic,
- apocalyptic,
- awkward,
- bad,
- baleful,
- baneful,
- black,
- bleak,
- bodeful,
- boding,
- boorish,
- conflicting,
- contrary,
- counter,
- counteractive,
- criminal,
- dark,
- detrimental,
- difficult,
- dire,
- discouraging,
- doomful,
- dreary,
- evil,
- evil-starred,
- fateful,
- foolish,
- foreboding,
- fractious,
- gloomy,
- hapless,
- hard,
- harmful,
- hostile,
- ill,
- ill-boding,
- ill-conceived,
- ill-considered,
- ill-fated,
- ill-omened,
- ill-seasoned,
- ill-starred,
- ill-timed,
- impolite,
- improper,
- imprudent,
- in opposition,
- inaccurate,
- inappropriate,
- inauspicious,
- inconvenient,
- indecent,
- indecorous,
- indelicate,
- indocile,
- inexpedient,
- infelicitous,
- inferior,
- inimical,
- inopportune,
- intempestive,
- intractable,
- intrusive,
- invalid,
- irrelevant,
- irritating,
- late,
- lowering,
- luckless,
- mal a propos,
- malapropos,
- malevolent,
- malodorous,
- menacing,
- miserable,
- mistimed,
- not easy,
- of evil portent,
- off base,
- ominous,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- opposite,
- out of line,
- out of phase,
- out of time,
- peccant,
- portending,
- portentous,
- premature,
- recalcitrant,
- rigorous,
- rough,
- rude,
- silly,
- sinful,
- sinister,
- somber,
- star-crossed,
- stressful,
- stupid,
- tactless,
- threatening,
- too late,
- too soon,
- troublesome,
- troublous,
- trying,
- unapt,
- unbecoming,
- unbefitting,
- uncalled-for,
- undecorous,
- undiplomatic,
- undisciplined,
- unfavorable,
- unfit,
- unfitting,
- unfortunate,
- ungentlemanly,
- ungodly,
- ungovernable,
- unhandy,
- unhappy,
- unhealthy,
- unkind,
- unladylike,
- unlucky,
- unmanageable,
- unpleasant,
- unpromising,
- unpropitious,
- unready,
- unrefined,
- unripe,
- unseasonable,
- unseemly,
- unskillful,
- unsuitable,
- untactful,
- untimely,
- unwarranted,
- unwise,
- vexatious,
- vexing,
- vicious,
- wicked,
- wild,
- wretched,
- wrong