Exact Match:
- Priapus
- (classical mythology) god of male procreative power and guardian of gardens and vineyards
- Ashtoreth,
- Astarte,
- Baal,
- Cailleac,
- Ceres,
- Demeter,
- Dionysus,
- Faunus,
- Frey,
- Isis,
- Pan,
- Vidar,
- Vitharr,
- aphrodisiomaniac,
- corn spirit,
- dirty old man,
- eroticomaniac,
- erotomaniac,
- faun,
- fertility god,
- field spirit,
- forest god,
- goat,
- gynecomaniac,
- lecher,
- old goat,
- panisc,
- panisca,
- paniscus,
- satyr,
- silenus,
- sylvan deity,
- the goat god,
- vegetation spirit,
- whoremaster,
- whoremonger