Exact Match:
- Siren
- eellike aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
- an acoustic device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
- a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
- a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
- Circe,
- Davy,
- Davy Jones,
- Don Juan,
- Dylan,
- Euryale,
- Gorgon,
- Jezebel,
- Klaxon,
- Lorelei,
- Mayday,
- Medea,
- Medusa,
- Neptune,
- Nereid,
- Nereus,
- Oceanid,
- Oceanus,
- Parthenope,
- Poseidon,
- SOS,
- Siren,
- Stheno,
- Thetis,
- Triton,
- Varuna,
- air-raid alarm,
- alarm,
- alarm bell,
- alarm clock,
- alarm signal,
- alarum,
- alert,
- all clear,
- alluring,
- appealing,
- appetizing,
- attracting,
- attractive,
- beacon,
- beguiling,
- beldam,
- bewitcher,
- bewitching,
- bitch-kitty,
- blandishing,
- blinking light,
- boiler factory,
- boiler room,
- bull-roarer,
- burglar alarm,
- buzzer,
- cajoling,
- captivating,
- catcall,
- catching,
- charismatic,
- charmer,
- charming,
- cherry bomb,
- clack,
- clacker,
- clapper,
- coaxing,
- come-hither,
- coquette,
- coquettish,
- cracker,
- cricket,
- crostarie,
- drawing,
- enchanter,
- enchanting,
- enchantress,
- engaging,
- enravishing,
- enthralling,
- enticer,
- enticing,
- entrancing,
- exciting,
- exotic,
- fascinating,
- femme fatale,
- fetching,
- fiery cross,
- fire alarm,
- fire bell,
- fire flag,
- firecracker,
- five-minute gun,
- flashing light,
- flirt,
- flirtatious,
- fog bell,
- fog signal,
- foghorn,
- fresh-water nymph,
- fury,
- gale warning,
- glamorous,
- grimalkin,
- hag,
- hellcat,
- hellhag,
- hooter,
- horn,
- hue and cry,
- hurricane warning,
- hypnotic,
- interesting,
- intriguing,
- inveigler,
- inviting,
- irresistible,
- kelpie,
- lighthouse,
- limniad,
- magnetic,
- man fish,
- mermaid,
- merman,
- mesmeric,
- mouth-watering,
- naiad,
- nix,
- nixie,
- noisemaker,
- note of alarm,
- occulting light,
- ocean nymph,
- piquant,
- police whistle,
- prepossessing,
- provocative,
- provoquant,
- rattle,
- rattlebox,
- ravishing,
- sea devil,
- sea god,
- sea nymph,
- sea-maid,
- sea-maiden,
- seaman,
- seducer,
- seducing,
- seductive,
- seductress,
- she-devil,
- she-wolf,
- signal,
- signal of distress,
- sirenic,
- small-craft warning,
- snapper,
- sorceress,
- spellbinder,
- spellbinding,
- spellful,
- steam whistle,
- still alarm,
- storm cone,
- storm flag,
- storm warning,
- taking,
- tantalizing,
- teaser,
- teasing,
- tempter,
- tempting,
- temptress,
- termagant,
- tickling,
- ticktack,
- tigress,
- titillating,
- titillative,
- tocsin,
- two-minute gun,
- undine,
- upside-down flag,
- vamp,
- vampire,
- virago,
- vixen,
- wailer,
- warble,
- warning,
- water god,
- water spirit,
- water sprite,
- whistle,
- whizgig,
- whizzer,
- wildcat,
- winning,
- winsome,
- witch,
- witching