Exact Match:
- acidity
- pH values below 7
- the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth
- acerbity,
- acescency,
- acid,
- acidness,
- acidulousness,
- acridity,
- acrimony,
- agent,
- alkali,
- alkalinity,
- alloisomer,
- animosity,
- anion,
- antacid,
- asperity,
- astringency,
- atom,
- base,
- bile,
- biochemical,
- bite,
- bitingness,
- bitter resentment,
- bitterness,
- bitterness of spirit,
- cation,
- causticity,
- causticness,
- chemical,
- chemical element,
- choler,
- chromoisomer,
- compound,
- copolymer,
- corrosiveness,
- cuttingness,
- dimer,
- dryness,
- edge,
- element,
- fierceness,
- gall,
- gnashing of teeth,
- greenness,
- grip,
- hard feelings,
- harshness,
- heartburning,
- heavy chemicals,
- high polymer,
- homopolymer,
- hydracid,
- hyperacidity,
- incisiveness,
- inorganic chemical,
- ion,
- isomer,
- keenness,
- macromolecule,
- metamer,
- molecule,
- monomer,
- mordacity,
- mordancy,
- neutralizer,
- nonacid,
- organic chemical,
- oxyacid,
- piercingness,
- piquancy,
- poignancy,
- point,
- polymer,
- pseudoisomer,
- pungency,
- radical,
- rancor,
- rankling,
- reagent,
- rigor,
- roughness,
- severity,
- sharpness,
- slow burn,
- soreness,
- sour,
- sourishness,
- sourness,
- spleen,
- stabbingness,
- sting,
- stridency,
- stringency,
- subacidity,
- sulfacid,
- tartishness,
- tartness,
- teeth,
- trenchancy,
- trimer,
- unripeness,
- unsweetness,
- vehemence,
- verjuice,
- vinegariness,
- vinegarishness,
- violence,
- virulence