Exact Match:
- alienation
- the action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly; "his behavior alienated the other students"
- (law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another; "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership"
- the feeling of being alienated from other people
- separation resulting from hostility
- abalienation,
- aberration,
- abnormality,
- abstraction,
- abulia,
- agreement to disagree,
- aloneness,
- aloofness,
- amortization,
- amortizement,
- anxiety,
- anxiety equivalent,
- anxiety state,
- apathy,
- apostasy,
- assignation,
- assignment,
- autism,
- autistic thinking,
- avoidance mechanism,
- bargain and sale,
- barter,
- bequeathal,
- blame-shifting,
- brain damage,
- brainsickness,
- brainwashing,
- breach,
- breach of friendship,
- break,
- catatonic stupor,
- celibacy,
- cession,
- cleavage,
- cleft,
- clouded mind,
- compensation,
- compulsion,
- conferment,
- conferral,
- consignation,
- consignment,
- conveyance,
- conveyancing,
- corruption,
- counter-culture,
- counterindoctrination,
- craziness,
- daftness,
- decompensation,
- deeding,
- defense mechanism,
- dejection,
- deliverance,
- delivery,
- dementedness,
- dementia,
- demise,
- depression,
- derangement,
- dereism,
- dereistic thinking,
- detachment,
- difference,
- disaccord,
- disaffection,
- disagreement,
- disapprobation,
- disapproval,
- disarticulation,
- disassociation,
- disconnectedness,
- disconnection,
- discontinuity,
- disengagement,
- disfavor,
- disjointing,
- disjunction,
- dislocation,
- disorientation,
- disparity,
- displacement,
- disposal,
- disposition,
- disruption,
- dissatisfaction,
- dissension,
- dissent,
- dissentience,
- dissidence,
- dissociation,
- distraction,
- disunion,
- disunity,
- divergence,
- diversity,
- dividedness,
- division,
- divorce,
- divorcement,
- dropping out,
- elation,
- emotional insulation,
- emotionalism,
- enfeoffment,
- escape,
- escape into fantasy,
- escape mechanism,
- escapism,
- estrangement,
- euphoria,
- exchange,
- falling-out,
- fantasizing,
- fantasy,
- flight,
- folie,
- folie du doute,
- furor,
- giving,
- hypochondria,
- hysteria,
- hysterics,
- incoherence,
- indifference,
- indoctrination,
- insaneness,
- insanity,
- insensibility,
- irrationality,
- isolation,
- keeping apart,
- lease and release,
- lethargy,
- loneliness,
- loneness,
- lonesomeness,
- loss of mind,
- loss of reason,
- lunacy,
- luxation,
- madness,
- mania,
- melancholia,
- mental deficiency,
- mental derangement,
- mental disease,
- mental disorder,
- mental distress,
- mental disturbance,
- mental illness,
- mental instability,
- mental sickness,
- mind overthrown,
- mindsickness,
- minority opinion,
- moving apart,
- negativism,
- nonagreement,
- nonassent,
- nonconcurrence,
- nonconformity,
- nonconsent,
- obsession,
- oddness,
- open rupture,
- opposition,
- overcompensation,
- parting,
- partition,
- pathological indecisiveness,
- pixilation,
- possession,
- preoccupation,
- privacy,
- projection,
- psychalgia,
- psychomotor disturbance,
- psychopathy,
- psychotaxis,
- queerness,
- rabidness,
- rationalization,
- reasonlessness,
- recall of ambassadors,
- recusance,
- recusancy,
- reindoctrination,
- rejection,
- removal,
- repudiation,
- resistance,
- rift,
- ruffled feelings,
- rupture,
- sale,
- schism,
- secession,
- seclusion,
- segmentation,
- senselessness,
- separateness,
- separation,
- separatism,
- sequestration,
- settlement,
- settling,
- shattered mind,
- sick mind,
- sickness,
- single blessedness,
- sociological adjustive reactions,
- solitariness,
- solitude,
- splendid isolation,
- split,
- strained relations,
- strangeness,
- stupor,
- subdivision,
- sublimation,
- substitution,
- subtraction,
- subversion,
- surrender,
- tic,
- trading,
- transfer,
- transference,
- transmission,
- transmittal,
- twitching,
- unbalance,
- unbalanced mind,
- underground,
- unresponsiveness,
- unsaneness,
- unsound mind,
- unsoundness,
- unsoundness of mind,
- variance,
- vesting,
- wish-fulfillment fantasy,
- wishful thinking,
- withdrawal,
- witlessness,
- zoning