Exact Match:
- resolution
- finding a solution to a problem
- a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
- analysis into clear-cut components
- a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote
- (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
- the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)
- (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture
- Z,
- abandon,
- ablation,
- about-face,
- accommodation,
- accomplishment,
- accuracy,
- act,
- action,
- acutance,
- adaptation,
- adjustment,
- aim,
- alchemy,
- ambition,
- anacrusis,
- analysis,
- analyzation,
- anatomizing,
- anatomy,
- animus,
- answer,
- answering,
- apodosis,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- application,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- arrangement,
- ascertainment,
- aspiration,
- assay,
- assaying,
- assiduity,
- assiduousness,
- assimilation,
- assumption,
- atomization,
- award,
- bass passage,
- becoming,
- biodegradability,
- biodegradation,
- blocking,
- boldness,
- bourdon,
- breakdown,
- breaking down,
- breaking up,
- breakup,
- bridge,
- bulldog courage,
- bulldog tenacity,
- burden,
- cadence,
- catastrophe,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- change,
- change-over,
- changelessness,
- choice,
- chorus,
- clearing up,
- coda,
- command,
- commitment,
- committedness,
- composition of differences,
- compromise,
- conation,
- conatus,
- concentration,
- conclusion,
- concurrent resolution,
- condemnation,
- consideration,
- constancy,
- constitution,
- consummation,
- conversion,
- corrosion,
- corruption,
- counsel,
- crack of doom,
- cracking,
- crumbling,
- culmination,
- curtain,
- curtains,
- dauntlessness,
- death,
- decay,
- decease,
- decidedness,
- decipherment,
- decision,
- decoding,
- decomposition,
- decree,
- dedication,
- degradability,
- degradation,
- deliberateness,
- deliberation,
- deliverance,
- denouement,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- design,
- desire,
- destination,
- destiny,
- detailing,
- determination,
- development,
- devotedness,
- devotion,
- devoutness,
- diaeresis,
- diagnosis,
- dictum,
- dilapidation,
- diligence,
- discretion,
- discrimination,
- disentanglement,
- disintegration,
- disjunction,
- disorganization,
- disposition,
- dissection,
- dissolution,
- division,
- docimasy,
- dogged perseverance,
- doggedness,
- doom,
- earnestness,
- effect,
- effort,
- enaction,
- enactment,
- end,
- end point,
- end result,
- endeavor,
- ending,
- endurance,
- engrossment,
- enumeration,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- erosion,
- eschatology,
- exactitude,
- exactness,
- exertion,
- expiration,
- explanation,
- explication,
- exposition,
- faith,
- faithfulness,
- fancy,
- fate,
- fervency,
- fervidness,
- fervor,
- fidelity,
- figure,
- final solution,
- final twitch,
- final words,
- finale,
- finality,
- finding,
- finding-out,
- fineness,
- finis,
- finish,
- fire,
- firmness,
- fixed purpose,
- fixedness,
- flip-flop,
- folderol,
- fortitude,
- free choice,
- free will,
- function,
- gameness,
- gaminess,
- goal,
- gravimetric analysis,
- grittiness,
- growth,
- hardihood,
- hardiness,
- harmonic close,
- harmonization,
- heartiness,
- heat,
- heatedness,
- idea,
- immutability,
- impassionedness,
- improper suggestion,
- inclination,
- incoherence,
- indecent proposal,
- indefatigability,
- industriousness,
- industry,
- inflexibility,
- insistence,
- insistency,
- instance,
- instrumentation,
- intendment,
- intensity,
- intent,
- intention,
- intentness,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- interpretation,
- intonation,
- introductory phrase,
- irreversibility,
- issue,
- itemization,
- izzard,
- joint resolution,
- judgement,
- lapse,
- last,
- last breath,
- last gasp,
- last things,
- last trumpet,
- last words,
- latter end,
- lawmaking,
- legislation,
- legislature,
- liking,
- loyalty,
- lust,
- meaning,
- measure,
- mettlesomeness,
- mildew,
- mind,
- modulation,
- mold,
- motion,
- motive,
- movement,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- naturalization,
- nerviness,
- nisus,
- notion,
- oath,
- objective,
- obligation,
- obstinacy,
- omega,
- orchestration,
- order,
- ornament,
- outcome,
- oxidation,
- oxidization,
- parsing,
- part,
- pass,
- passage,
- passing,
- passion,
- passionateness,
- patience,
- patience of Job,
- payoff,
- period,
- permanence,
- peroration,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- persistency,
- pertinaciousness,
- pertinacity,
- phrase,
- phrasing,
- plan,
- pleasure,
- pledge,
- plodding,
- pluckiness,
- plugging,
- point,
- precedent,
- precision,
- preoccupation,
- preparation,
- prognosis,
- progress,
- project,
- promise,
- pronouncement,
- proposal,
- proposition,
- prospectus,
- proximate analysis,
- purpose,
- purposefulness,
- quantitative analysis,
- quietus,
- ravages of time,
- re-formation,
- reason,
- reconversion,
- reduction,
- reduction to elements,
- refrain,
- relentlessness,
- request,
- resoluteness,
- resolve,
- resolving,
- response,
- resting place,
- result,
- reversal,
- riddling,
- ritornello,
- ruling,
- rust,
- sake,
- scansion,
- schematization,
- section,
- sedulity,
- sedulousness,
- segmentation,
- semimicroanalysis,
- sentence,
- separation,
- seriousness,
- setting,
- settlement,
- sexual desire,
- sharpness,
- shift,
- sincerity,
- single-mindedness,
- singleness of purpose,
- slogging,
- solution,
- solving,
- sorting out,
- spirit,
- spoilage,
- spunkiness,
- stability,
- stamina,
- stanza,
- statement,
- staunchness,
- staying power,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- stick-to-itiveness,
- stoppage,
- stopping place,
- strain,
- striving,
- struggle,
- stubbornness,
- study,
- subdivision,
- suggestion,
- suspension,
- swan song,
- switch,
- switch-over,
- tailpiece,
- tenaciousness,
- tenacity,
- term,
- terminal,
- termination,
- terminus,
- terms,
- tirelessness,
- tone painting,
- transcription,
- transformation,
- transit,
- transition,
- turning into,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- unalterability,
- unchangeability,
- undertaking,
- unraveling,
- unremittingness,
- unriddling,
- unscrambling,
- unspinning,
- unswerving attention,
- untangling,
- untwisting,
- unweaving,
- upshot,
- variation,
- vehemence,
- velleity,
- verdict,
- verse,
- view,
- volition,
- volte-face,
- vow,
- warmth,
- wear,
- wear and tear,
- will,
- will power,
- windup,
- wish,
- word of honor,
- working,
- working-out,
- zeal