Exact Match:
- determination
- the act of determining the properties of something
- the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; "his determination showed in his every movement"; "he is a man of purpose"
- absolute indication,
- accomplishment,
- acid test,
- action,
- aim,
- allocation,
- ambition,
- animus,
- answer,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appraisal,
- appraisement,
- approximation,
- ascertaining,
- ascertainment,
- aspiration,
- assay,
- assessment,
- assignment,
- assize,
- assizement,
- assurance,
- attribution,
- award,
- balkiness,
- bigotry,
- blank determination,
- bounding,
- bringing to light,
- brouillon,
- bullheadedness,
- burden of proof,
- calculation,
- casual discovery,
- catching,
- certification,
- chance discovery,
- check,
- checking,
- choice,
- circling-in,
- circumscribing,
- circumscription,
- clearing up,
- collation,
- command,
- commitment,
- computation,
- conation,
- conatus,
- conclusion,
- conclusive evidence,
- condemnation,
- confirmation,
- consideration,
- constancy,
- correction,
- counsel,
- cracking,
- criterion,
- crucial test,
- crucible,
- damning evidence,
- decidedness,
- decipherment,
- decision,
- decisiveness,
- decoding,
- decree,
- dedication,
- definiteness,
- definition,
- delimitation,
- deliverance,
- demarcation,
- demonstration,
- denomination,
- denouement,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- design,
- designation,
- desire,
- detection,
- determinateness,
- determinedness,
- determining,
- devotion,
- diagnosis,
- dictum,
- disclosure,
- discovery,
- discretion,
- disentanglement,
- disposition,
- distinguishment,
- docimasy,
- doggedness,
- dogmatism,
- doom,
- earnestness,
- effect,
- effort,
- encincture,
- end,
- end result,
- endeavor,
- ensuring,
- espial,
- essay,
- establishment,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- evaluation,
- excavation,
- exertion,
- exhumation,
- explanation,
- exposure,
- fanaticism,
- fancy,
- feeling out,
- find,
- finding,
- finding out,
- finding-out,
- firmness,
- first draft,
- fixed mind,
- fixed purpose,
- fixing,
- fortitude,
- free choice,
- free will,
- function,
- gauging,
- grit,
- guts,
- hardheadedness,
- headstrongness,
- idea,
- inclination,
- inclusion-exclusion,
- incontrovertible evidence,
- indisputable evidence,
- inflexible will,
- instrumentation,
- intendment,
- intent,
- intention,
- interpretation,
- intolerance,
- invention,
- ironclad proof,
- issue,
- judgement,
- kiteflying,
- liking,
- locating,
- location,
- lucky strike,
- lust,
- meaning,
- measure,
- measurement,
- measuring,
- mensuration,
- metric system,
- mind,
- motive,
- mulishness,
- nisus,
- obduracy,
- objective,
- obstinacy,
- obstinateness,
- onus,
- onus probandi,
- opinionatedness,
- ordeal,
- order,
- outcome,
- overzealousness,
- passion,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- pertinacity,
- pigheadedness,
- pinning down,
- plan,
- pleasure,
- point,
- precedent,
- precision,
- probation,
- prognosis,
- project,
- pronouncement,
- proof,
- proposal,
- prospectus,
- purpose,
- purposefulness,
- quantification,
- quantization,
- rating,
- reason,
- reassurance,
- reassurement,
- recognition,
- rediscovery,
- relentlessness,
- resoluteness,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- resolvedness,
- resolving,
- restiveness,
- result,
- revelation,
- riddling,
- rough draft,
- rough sketch,
- ruling,
- sake,
- selection,
- self-will,
- sentence,
- serendipity,
- seriousness,
- settlement,
- settling,
- sexual desire,
- signification,
- sincerity,
- single-mindedness,
- solution,
- solving,
- sorting out,
- sounding out,
- specification,
- spotting,
- standard,
- steadfastness,
- stiff neck,
- stiff-neckedness,
- stipulation,
- strain,
- strike,
- striving,
- strongheadness,
- struggle,
- stubbornness,
- study,
- substantiation,
- sulkiness,
- sullenness,
- sure sign,
- survey,
- surveying,
- telemetering,
- telemetry,
- tenaciousness,
- tenacity,
- termination,
- test,
- test case,
- total commitment,
- touchstone,
- treasure trove,
- trial,
- triangulation,
- trouvaille,
- trove,
- try,
- uncooperativeness,
- uncovering,
- unearthing,
- unmistakable sign,
- unraveling,
- unregenerateness,
- unriddling,
- unscrambling,
- unspinning,
- untangling,
- untwisting,
- unweaving,
- upshot,
- validation,
- valuation,
- velleity,
- verdict,
- verification,
- view,
- volition,
- will,
- will power,
- willfulness,
- wish,
- working,
- working-out