Exact Match:
- favor
- an act of gracious kindness
- an advantage to the benefit of someone or something; "the outcome was in his favor"
- an inclination to approve; "that style is in favor this season"
- a feeling of favorable regard
- consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored"
- treat gently or carefully
- OK,
- abet,
- abetment,
- accept,
- acceptance,
- accommodate,
- accomplishment,
- accord respect to,
- account,
- acculturate,
- acknowledgment,
- act of courtesy,
- act of grace,
- act of kindness,
- adherence,
- admiration,
- admire,
- adopt,
- adoration,
- adore,
- advance,
- advantage,
- advocacy,
- advocate,
- aegis,
- affinity,
- aid,
- aid and abet,
- aim at,
- air,
- ameliorate,
- amend,
- amenity,
- an in,
- answer,
- ape,
- apotheosis,
- apotheosize,
- appear like,
- appreciate,
- appreciation,
- approach,
- approbation,
- approval,
- approve,
- approve of,
- approximate,
- ascendancy,
- assist,
- assistance,
- attention,
- auspices,
- authority,
- avail,
- awe,
- baby,
- back,
- backing,
- bad books,
- bag,
- bail out,
- be desirous of,
- be like,
- be partial to,
- be redolent of,
- bear a hand,
- bear resemblance,
- bearing,
- befriend,
- behind,
- benediction,
- benefaction,
- benefit,
- benevolence,
- benignity,
- bent,
- better,
- bias,
- billet,
- blank check,
- bless,
- blessing,
- boon,
- boost,
- break no bones,
- breathless adoration,
- bring forward,
- bring to mind,
- brow,
- business letter,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- care,
- carriage,
- carte blanche,
- cast,
- cast of countenance,
- cater to,
- champion,
- championship,
- charisma,
- charity,
- charm,
- chit,
- choose,
- choose rather,
- chosen kind,
- civility,
- civilize,
- clemency,
- clout,
- coddle,
- color,
- come close,
- come near,
- comfort,
- commemoration,
- commiseration,
- communication,
- compare with,
- compassion,
- complexion,
- compliment,
- condolence,
- conduce to,
- consequence,
- consideration,
- contribute to,
- control,
- convenience,
- cooperation,
- copy,
- copyright,
- correspond,
- cosset,
- countenance,
- counterfeit,
- courtesy,
- credit,
- cup of tea,
- deanship,
- defer to,
- deference,
- deification,
- deify,
- demeanor,
- desiderate,
- desire,
- dial,
- discriminate,
- dispatch,
- dispensation,
- disposition,
- do a favor,
- do a service,
- do good,
- do no harm,
- do right by,
- doctor,
- dominance,
- domination,
- drag,
- druthers,
- duty,
- ease,
- edify,
- educate,
- effect,
- elect,
- elevate,
- emend,
- eminence,
- enchantment,
- encourage,
- encouragement,
- endorse,
- endorsement,
- enhance,
- enlighten,
- enrich,
- entertain respect for,
- epistle,
- espouse,
- esteem,
- estimation,
- evoke,
- exaggerated respect,
- exalt,
- excellence,
- expedite,
- face,
- facial appearance,
- facies,
- facilitate,
- fancy,
- fascination,
- fatten,
- favorable regard,
- favorable vote,
- favoritism,
- feature,
- features,
- feeling,
- fellow feeling,
- follow,
- for,
- forbearance,
- force,
- forgiveness,
- forward,
- foster,
- fosterage,
- franchise,
- freedom,
- friendly relations,
- further,
- garb,
- gesture,
- give a boost,
- give a hand,
- give a lift,
- give help,
- give way to,
- go for,
- go in for,
- go straight,
- good deed,
- good feeling,
- good graces,
- good offices,
- good terms,
- good turn,
- good understanding,
- goodwill,
- grace,
- graceful gesture,
- grant,
- gratify,
- great respect,
- greatness,
- guidance,
- guise,
- harmony,
- hasten,
- have a bias,
- have designs on,
- have preference,
- have rather,
- hearten,
- help,
- hero worship,
- hero-worship,
- high regard,
- hold,
- hold in esteem,
- hold in reverence,
- hold with,
- homage,
- honor,
- honor before,
- humanity,
- humor,
- idolatry,
- idolization,
- idolize,
- imitate,
- immunity,
- importance,
- improve,
- improve upon,
- in back of,
- in favor of,
- in support of,
- incidental power,
- inclination,
- incomparability,
- indulge,
- indulgence,
- influence,
- influentiality,
- inimitability,
- inside track,
- insinuation,
- interest,
- keep in countenance,
- keepsake,
- kind deed,
- kind offices,
- kindly act,
- kindness,
- kisser,
- labor of love,
- lard,
- largess,
- lead,
- leadership,
- lean towards,
- leaning,
- lend a hand,
- lend one aid,
- lend wings to,
- leniency,
- letter,
- leverage,
- liberty,
- license,
- lift,
- like,
- like better,
- line,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- look like,
- look up to,
- looks,
- love,
- lust,
- lust after,
- magnetism,
- majority,
- make an improvement,
- make for,
- manna,
- map,
- mastery,
- match,
- meliorate,
- memento,
- memento mori,
- memorabilia,
- memorial,
- memorials,
- memories,
- mend,
- mercy,
- message,
- mien,
- mimic,
- mirror,
- missive,
- mitigation,
- mitzvah,
- mollycoddle,
- moment,
- mug,
- mush,
- mutual affinity,
- mutual attraction,
- mutual regard,
- near,
- nearly reproduce,
- nod,
- not tell apart,
- note,
- nurture,
- obligation,
- oblige,
- office,
- one-upmanship,
- opinion,
- opt for,
- pamper,
- pan,
- parallel,
- pardon,
- partake of,
- partiality,
- particular choice,
- patent,
- pathos,
- patronage,
- penchant,
- personal choice,
- personality,
- persuasion,
- phiz,
- physiognomy,
- pity,
- play favorites,
- please,
- polite act,
- port,
- posture,
- potency,
- power,
- precedence,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- predominance,
- predomination,
- preeminence,
- prefer,
- prefer to,
- preference,
- prejudice,
- preponderance,
- prepossession,
- prepotence,
- prepotency,
- prerogative,
- presence,
- present,
- pressure,
- prestige,
- priority,
- privilege,
- prize,
- pro,
- proclivity,
- proffer aid,
- profit,
- promote,
- propensity,
- protect,
- pull,
- purchase,
- push forward,
- puss,
- put forward,
- quarter,
- quicken,
- raise,
- rally,
- rapport,
- rather,
- reclaim,
- recommend,
- redeem,
- refine upon,
- reform,
- regard,
- reign,
- relic,
- relief,
- relieve,
- remedy,
- remembrance,
- remembrancer,
- remind one of,
- render assistance,
- reply,
- reprieve,
- repute,
- rescript,
- rescue,
- resemble,
- respect,
- restore,
- resuscitate,
- revere,
- reverence,
- reverential regard,
- revive,
- right-of-way,
- rule,
- ruth,
- sanction,
- satisfy,
- save,
- savor of,
- say,
- seal of approval,
- seconding,
- see fit,
- seem like,
- select,
- self-pity,
- seniority,
- serve,
- service,
- set before,
- set forward,
- set up,
- shine upon,
- show kindness to,
- show preference,
- side with,
- simulate,
- single out,
- skill,
- smack of,
- smile upon,
- socialize,
- sound like,
- souvenir,
- special favor,
- speed,
- spoil,
- sponsor,
- sponsorship,
- stack up with,
- stamp of approval,
- stance,
- straighten out,
- style,
- suasion,
- subscribe,
- subtle influence,
- success,
- succor,
- suction,
- suggest,
- suggestion,
- superiority,
- support,
- supremacy,
- sway,
- sympathy,
- take after,
- take in tow,
- take kindly to,
- take to,
- taste,
- tendency,
- thing,
- think best,
- think fit,
- think highly of,
- think much of,
- think proper,
- think well of,
- token,
- token of remembrance,
- traits,
- transcendence,
- transcendency,
- transfigure,
- transform,
- treat unequally,
- treat well,
- trophy,
- turn,
- tutelage,
- type,
- upgrade,
- uphold,
- uplift,
- upper hand,
- urbanity,
- value,
- venerate,
- veneration,
- view,
- view with favor,
- virtuosity,
- visage,
- voice,
- vote,
- want,
- warrant,
- weight,
- whip hand,
- wish,
- wish to goodness,
- wish very much,
- worship,
- worth,
- would fain do,
- yea,
- yea vote,
- yield to