Exact Match:
- present
- a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking
- something presented as a gift; "his tie was a present from his wife"
- the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow"
- spatial sense; being or existing in a specified place; "the murderer is present in this room"; "present at the wedding"; "present at the creation"
- bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
- formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
- hand over formally
- introduce; "This poses an interesting question"
- Christmas present,
- accessible,
- accommodate,
- accord,
- acquaint,
- actual,
- adduce,
- adjacent,
- administer,
- advance,
- affect,
- afford,
- affront,
- aid,
- aim,
- aim at,
- allege,
- allot,
- allow,
- allowance,
- alms,
- announce,
- aorist,
- array,
- articulate,
- as is,
- at hand,
- at present,
- attendant,
- available,
- award,
- baksheesh,
- be a gas,
- be a hit,
- being,
- bend,
- benevolence,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- betoken,
- bill,
- birthday present,
- bomb,
- bonus,
- boon,
- bounty,
- box,
- brandish,
- brave,
- breast,
- breathe,
- bring before,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring in,
- bring into view,
- bring on,
- bring out,
- bring to bear,
- bring to notice,
- bring up,
- cadeau,
- challenge,
- chime,
- chorus,
- chronology,
- close,
- closest,
- clothe,
- come out with,
- communicate,
- compliment,
- conceive,
- confer,
- confront,
- confront with,
- contemporaneous,
- contemporary,
- continuity,
- contribute,
- contribution,
- convey,
- couch,
- couch in terms,
- current,
- dangle,
- dare,
- deal,
- deal out,
- defy,
- deliver,
- demonstrate,
- deploy,
- determine,
- develop,
- devote,
- direct,
- directionize,
- disclose,
- dish out,
- dispense,
- display,
- distribute,
- divulge,
- do the honors,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- donation,
- dramatize,
- duration,
- durative,
- duree,
- embody,
- embody in words,
- emcee,
- emit,
- enact,
- encounter,
- endow,
- endowment,
- enunciate,
- envisage,
- evidence,
- evince,
- exhibit,
- existent,
- existing,
- expose to view,
- express,
- extant,
- extend,
- face,
- face with,
- fail,
- fairing,
- favor,
- feature,
- file,
- fill,
- fill up,
- find,
- fix,
- fix on,
- flaunt,
- fling off,
- flop,
- flourish,
- fork out,
- formularize,
- formulate,
- frame,
- freeload,
- fresh,
- front,
- fund,
- furnish,
- future,
- future perfect,
- gift,
- gift with,
- give,
- give a knockdown,
- give an introduction,
- give away,
- give expression,
- give expression to,
- give freely,
- give out,
- give out with,
- give sign,
- give token,
- give tongue,
- give utterance,
- give voice,
- give words to,
- grant,
- gratuity,
- hand,
- hand out,
- hand over,
- hand-out,
- handsel,
- headline,
- heap,
- help to,
- here and now,
- highlight,
- historical present,
- hold forth,
- hold on,
- hold out,
- illuminate,
- immanent,
- immediate,
- impart,
- imperfect,
- in being,
- in effect,
- in existence,
- in force,
- in view,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- indwelling,
- inherent,
- instant,
- introduce,
- invest,
- issue,
- just now,
- keep,
- largess,
- largesse,
- lastingness,
- latest,
- lavish,
- lay before,
- let have,
- let out,
- level at,
- lip,
- living,
- maintain,
- make a hit,
- make acquainted,
- make available,
- make clear,
- make known,
- make plain,
- make provision for,
- manifest,
- marshal,
- materialize,
- mean,
- meet,
- meet squarely,
- melodramatize,
- mete,
- mete out,
- modern,
- mount,
- nearby,
- nearest,
- new,
- newfashioned,
- now,
- nowadays,
- oblation,
- offer,
- offering,
- on board,
- on deck,
- on foot,
- on hand,
- open,
- open a show,
- our times,
- out with,
- parade,
- paragraph,
- pass out,
- past,
- past perfect,
- peace offering,
- perfect,
- perform,
- period,
- phonate,
- phrase,
- place before,
- plead,
- pluperfect,
- point,
- point at,
- point tense,
- point to,
- pour,
- pour forth,
- pourboire,
- prefer,
- premiere,
- prepare,
- present perfect,
- present to,
- present-age,
- present-day,
- present-time,
- presentation,
- presently,
- preterit,
- prevalent,
- preview,
- produce,
- proffer,
- progressive tense,
- pronounce,
- provide,
- provide for,
- proximate,
- psychological time,
- put,
- put forth,
- put forward,
- put in words,
- put it to,
- put on,
- put to choice,
- put to vote,
- put up,
- quaint,
- rain,
- raise,
- rally,
- record,
- recruit,
- register,
- remaining,
- render,
- replenish,
- represent,
- reveal,
- rhetorize,
- right now,
- roll out,
- running,
- say,
- scenarize,
- serve,
- set,
- set before,
- set forth,
- set out,
- set the stage,
- shell out,
- show,
- show forth,
- shower,
- sight on,
- slip,
- snow,
- sound,
- space,
- space-time,
- sponge,
- spotlight,
- stage,
- star,
- state,
- stem,
- stock,
- store,
- style,
- submit,
- subsidize,
- subsistent,
- subsisting,
- succeed,
- supply,
- support,
- tell,
- tender,
- tense,
- term,
- that be,
- that is,
- the future,
- the nonce,
- the past,
- the present,
- the time being,
- theatricalize,
- these days,
- throw off,
- tide,
- time,
- timebinding,
- tip,
- today,
- token,
- topical,
- train,
- train upon,
- tribute,
- trot out,
- try out,
- turn,
- turn over,
- turn upon,
- under the sun,
- unfold,
- up-to-date,
- up-to-the-minute,
- utter,
- verbalize,
- vocalize,
- voice,
- vouchsafe,
- wave,
- while,
- whisper,
- white elephant,
- within call,
- within reach,
- within sight,
- word,
- yield