Exact Match:
- stand
- a defensive effort; "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"
- a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance; "a one-night stand"
- tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
- a small table for holding articles of various kinds; "a bedside stand"
- an interruption of normal activity
- a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area; "they cut down a stand of trees"
- the position where a thing or person stands
- have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
- be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
- be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
- put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"
- be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
- hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"
- be tall; have a height of; copula; "She stands 6 feet tall"
- be in effect; be or remain in force; "The law stands!"
- remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
- occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; "We stand on common ground"
- Anschauung,
- abide,
- abide by,
- abide with,
- accept,
- adhere to,
- advocate,
- affirm,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- afford,
- allegation,
- allow,
- allude to,
- ambo,
- anchor,
- angle,
- angle of vision,
- announcement,
- annunciation,
- answer,
- apply,
- arise,
- arrest,
- assertion,
- asseveration,
- attitude,
- avail,
- averment,
- avouchment,
- avowal,
- back,
- baluster,
- balustrade,
- bandstand,
- banister,
- bar,
- barrow,
- base,
- basis,
- be,
- be contingent on,
- be equal to,
- be erect,
- be extant,
- be found,
- be in existence,
- be located,
- be met with,
- be present,
- be proof against,
- be situated,
- be still,
- be the case,
- be there,
- bear,
- bear up,
- bear up against,
- bear up under,
- bear with,
- beard,
- beetle,
- belief,
- bell,
- bench,
- betoken,
- bide,
- billet at,
- bivouac,
- blind alley,
- blow,
- blow to,
- board,
- booking,
- booth,
- borscht circuit,
- box,
- bracket,
- brake,
- brave,
- breathe,
- brook,
- buffet,
- bulge,
- bum around,
- burrow,
- camp,
- campaign for,
- carry on,
- cart,
- caryatid,
- cessation,
- challenge,
- champion,
- check,
- checkmate,
- circuit,
- clump,
- coast,
- colonize,
- colonnade,
- color,
- column,
- combative reaction,
- come to anchor,
- complain,
- complain loudly,
- complaint,
- conclusion,
- confirm,
- confront,
- contend with,
- contest a seat,
- continue,
- continue to be,
- cope with,
- coppice,
- copse,
- corner,
- countenance,
- counter,
- counteraction,
- creed,
- crop,
- cul-de-sac,
- cutoff,
- dado,
- dais,
- date,
- dead end,
- dead set,
- dead stand,
- dead stop,
- dead-end street,
- deadlock,
- declaration,
- defeat time,
- defence,
- defend,
- defiance,
- defy,
- defy time,
- demur,
- depend,
- desk,
- dictum,
- die,
- dispute,
- dissent,
- dissentience,
- distance,
- do,
- do it,
- do nothing,
- domesticate,
- double for,
- drop anchor,
- dwell,
- dwell in,
- dying down,
- ebb,
- ebbing,
- effort,
- encounter,
- end,
- endgame,
- ending,
- endure,
- engagement,
- ensconce,
- enter the lists,
- enunciation,
- epitomize,
- escritoire,
- establish residence,
- exemplify,
- exist,
- experience,
- extend,
- extremity,
- eye,
- face,
- face down,
- face out,
- face up to,
- favor,
- feeling,
- fill the bill,
- final whistle,
- foothold,
- footing,
- footplate,
- footrail,
- footrest,
- footstalk,
- fractiousness,
- frame,
- frame of reference,
- framework,
- freeze,
- front,
- fulfill,
- full stop,
- get by,
- get up,
- go around,
- go on,
- go treat,
- goof off,
- grinding halt,
- ground,
- grove,
- growth,
- gun,
- hack it,
- halt,
- handle,
- hang,
- hang around,
- hang in,
- hang in there,
- hang tough,
- happen to be,
- hassock,
- have being,
- have place,
- hive,
- hold,
- hold on,
- hold out,
- hold up,
- hole,
- idle,
- illustrate,
- impasse,
- indwell,
- inhabit,
- inhere,
- ipse dixit,
- jack,
- jilt,
- just do,
- jut out,
- keep,
- keep house,
- keep on,
- keep quiet,
- kick against,
- kiosk,
- last,
- last long,
- last out,
- laze,
- lazy,
- lectern,
- lie,
- lie around,
- lie in,
- lie still,
- light,
- line,
- live,
- live at,
- live on,
- live through,
- loaf,
- locate,
- lock,
- lockout,
- locus standi,
- loiter about,
- loll around,
- lollop around,
- lounge,
- lounge around,
- lump,
- lump it,
- maintain,
- make a stand,
- make the grade,
- manifesto,
- mark time,
- mean,
- meet,
- meet head-on,
- meet requirements,
- mental outlook,
- mooch around,
- moon,
- moon around,
- moor,
- move,
- negativism,
- nest,
- newel-post,
- news kiosk,
- newsstand,
- noncooperation,
- not breathe,
- not stir,
- object,
- objection,
- obstinacy,
- obtain,
- obtrude,
- occur,
- offer resistance,
- opinion,
- oppose,
- opposition,
- outlast,
- outlook,
- overhang,
- park,
- pass,
- pass muster,
- passive resistance,
- pay the bill,
- pedestal,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- people,
- perch,
- perdure,
- perennate,
- performance,
- persevere,
- persist,
- persist in,
- perspective,
- philosophy,
- pier,
- pilaster,
- pile,
- piling,
- pillar,
- pinch-hit for,
- place,
- plantation,
- planting,
- platform,
- playing engagement,
- plinth,
- point of view,
- pole,
- policy,
- populate,
- position,
- position paper,
- positive declaration,
- post,
- posture,
- predicate,
- predication,
- prevail,
- proclamation,
- profession,
- project,
- promote,
- pronouncement,
- proposition,
- protest,
- protestation,
- protrude,
- purchase,
- put,
- put up with,
- qualify,
- queen-post,
- question,
- quit,
- rack,
- reach,
- reaction,
- reaffirm,
- rebuff,
- recalcitrance,
- recalcitrancy,
- recalcitrate,
- recalcitration,
- refer to,
- reference system,
- refractoriness,
- regard,
- relieve,
- relocate,
- reluct,
- reluctance,
- remain,
- remain motionless,
- remonstrance,
- remonstrate,
- renitence,
- renitency,
- repel,
- repellence,
- repellency,
- replace,
- repose,
- represent,
- repulse,
- repulsion,
- reside,
- resign,
- resist,
- resistance,
- respect,
- rest,
- revolt,
- rise,
- roost,
- run,
- run for,
- run for office,
- run on,
- satisfy,
- say,
- say-so,
- saying,
- seat,
- second,
- secretaire,
- secretary,
- sentiment,
- serve,
- serve the purpose,
- set,
- set up,
- set up housekeeping,
- set up shop,
- settle,
- settle down,
- shaft,
- shout,
- show,
- show fight,
- side,
- side with,
- sight,
- signify,
- sit around,
- sit down,
- sit-down strike,
- situation,
- slant,
- slouch,
- slouch around,
- socle,
- spare,
- spare the price,
- spinney,
- sponsor,
- squat,
- staff,
- stage,
- staging,
- stalemate,
- stalk,
- stall,
- stance,
- stanchion,
- stand,
- stand around,
- stand at attention,
- stand at bay,
- stand at ease,
- stand behind,
- stand by,
- stand down,
- stand drinks,
- stand erect,
- stand fast,
- stand firm,
- stand for,
- stand for office,
- stand in,
- stand out,
- stand still,
- stand to,
- stand treat,
- stand up,
- stand up against,
- stand up for,
- stand up straight,
- stand up to,
- stand upright,
- standard,
- standing,
- standing place,
- standoff,
- standpoint,
- standstill,
- statement,
- station,
- status,
- stay,
- stay at,
- stay on,
- stay put,
- stem,
- step aside,
- stick,
- stick fast,
- stick out,
- stick to,
- stick up for,
- stillstand,
- stomach,
- stop,
- stopover,
- stoppage,
- stretch,
- strike,
- strike root,
- strive against,
- subbase,
- subscribe to,
- subsidence,
- subsidize,
- subsist,
- substitute for,
- suffer,
- suffice,
- support,
- surbase,
- survive,
- sustain,
- swallow,
- symbolize,
- sympathize with,
- system,
- table,
- take,
- take it,
- take residence at,
- take root,
- take up residence,
- take up with,
- tarry,
- thicket,
- tide over,
- toehold,
- tolerate,
- tour,
- tread water,
- treat,
- treat to,
- trunk,
- tuft,
- tussock,
- typify,
- uncooperativeness,
- undergo,
- understudy for,
- universe,
- uphold,
- upright,
- utterance,
- vaudeville circuit,
- venue,
- view,
- viewpoint,
- vouch,
- walkout,
- wane,
- waning,
- wear,
- wear well,
- weather,
- well afford,
- withdraw,
- withstand,
- withstanding,
- wood,
- word,
- work,
- work stoppage,
- workbench,
- writing table