Exact Match:
- guard
- a position on a basketball team
- a position on the line of scrimmage; "guards must be good blockers"
- a device designed to prevent injury
- a posture of defence in boxing or fencing; "keep your guard up"
- a group of men who escort and protect some important person
- the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play"
- a person who keeps watch over something or someone
- the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team
- watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
- to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
- take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence; "guard against becoming too friendly with the staff"; "guard against infection"
- Coldstream Guards,
- Foot Guards,
- Grenadier Guards,
- Life Guards,
- Scots Guards,
- accompany,
- advance guard,
- advocate,
- aegis,
- amateur athlete,
- apologist,
- archer,
- arm,
- arm guard,
- armament,
- armed guard,
- armor,
- arrest,
- athlete,
- attend,
- avoidance reaction,
- backstop,
- baggage man,
- bakehead,
- ballplayer,
- bank guard,
- baseballer,
- baseman,
- batter,
- battery,
- beefeaters,
- bless,
- blocking back,
- bodyguard,
- bowman,
- brakeman,
- brakie,
- bridle,
- buffer,
- bull,
- bulwark,
- bumper,
- butcher,
- catcher,
- cavalier,
- center,
- champion,
- chaperon,
- check,
- cloak,
- coach,
- coast guard,
- commandant,
- companion,
- compass about,
- competitor,
- conduct,
- conductor,
- conserve,
- constrain,
- contain,
- contraceptive,
- control,
- convoy,
- cool,
- cool off,
- copyright,
- cordon,
- cordon sanitaire,
- cover,
- crash helmet,
- cricketer,
- curb,
- curtail,
- cushion,
- custodian,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- dashboard,
- decelerate,
- defence,
- defend,
- defender,
- defense,
- defense in depth,
- defense mechanism,
- defenses,
- defensive lineman,
- deterrent capacity,
- dispatcher,
- dodger,
- dompt,
- duenna,
- eagle eye,
- ego defenses,
- end,
- enjoin,
- ensure,
- escape mechanism,
- escort,
- esquire,
- eye,
- face mask,
- fellow traveler,
- fence,
- fend,
- fender,
- finger guard,
- fireman,
- flank,
- foot guard,
- footballer,
- footplate man,
- fuse,
- games-player,
- gamester,
- gaoler,
- garrison,
- gentleman-at-arms,
- goalie,
- goalkeeper,
- goaltender,
- goggles,
- govern,
- governor,
- guarantee,
- guard against,
- guardedness,
- guarder,
- guardian,
- guardianship,
- guardrail,
- guards,
- guardsman,
- guide,
- hand guard,
- handrail,
- harbor,
- hard hat,
- haven,
- helmet,
- hinder,
- hold at bay,
- hold back,
- hold fast,
- hold in,
- hold in check,
- hold in leash,
- hold up,
- household troops,
- infielder,
- inhibit,
- inlying picket,
- insulation,
- insure,
- interlock,
- invigilation,
- jailer,
- jock,
- jumper,
- keep,
- keep alive,
- keep back,
- keep from,
- keep from harm,
- keep in,
- keep in check,
- keep intact,
- keep inviolate,
- keep safe,
- keep under control,
- keep up,
- keep watch over,
- keeper,
- knee guard,
- knuckle guard,
- laminated glass,
- lay under restraint,
- lead,
- lee,
- life preserver,
- lifeline,
- lightning conductor,
- lightning rod,
- lineman,
- look after,
- lookout,
- maintain,
- make safe,
- marshal,
- mask,
- mind,
- monitoring,
- mudguard,
- negative taxis,
- nestle,
- nose guard,
- not destroy,
- not endanger,
- not expend,
- not use up,
- not waste,
- observance,
- offensive lineman,
- outfield,
- outfielder,
- outguard,
- outpost,
- pad,
- padding,
- paladin,
- palladium,
- patent,
- patrol,
- patrolman,
- peeled eye,
- picket,
- pilot,
- player,
- police,
- poloist,
- porter,
- praetorian guard,
- preservation,
- preserve,
- preventive,
- principal keeper,
- prison guard,
- proctoring,
- professional athlete,
- prohibit,
- prophylactic,
- protect,
- protection,
- protective clothing,
- protective custody,
- protective umbrella,
- protector,
- prudence,
- psychological defenses,
- pugilist,
- pull,
- pull in,
- quarterback,
- qui vive,
- racer,
- railroad man,
- railroader,
- rear guard,
- redcap,
- refuge,
- register,
- rein,
- rein in,
- resistance,
- restrain,
- retard,
- retrench,
- ride shotgun for,
- safe-conduct,
- safeguard,
- safekeeping,
- safety,
- safety glass,
- safety plug,
- safety rail,
- safety shoes,
- safety switch,
- safety valve,
- save,
- screen,
- screw,
- seat belt,
- secure,
- security,
- security guard,
- self-defense,
- self-preservation,
- self-protection,
- sentinel,
- sentry,
- set back,
- shade,
- shadow,
- sharp eye,
- shelter,
- shepherd,
- shield,
- shin guard,
- shroud,
- skater,
- slow down,
- smoke agent,
- snub,
- spare,
- sport,
- sportsman,
- squire,
- stationmaster,
- stewardship,
- stoker,
- straiten,
- sun helmet,
- support,
- supporter,
- surveillance,
- sustain,
- swain,
- switchman,
- tackle,
- tailback,
- take out,
- tend,
- the defensive,
- toxophilite,
- train guard,
- trainboy,
- trainman,
- trainmaster,
- turnkey,
- umbrella,
- underwrite,
- uphold,
- upholder,
- usher,
- van,
- vanguard,
- vigil,
- vigilance,
- vindicator,
- wait on,
- ward,
- warden,
- warder,
- wariness,
- watch,
- watch and ward,
- watchful eye,
- watchfulness,
- watching,
- watchman,
- weather eye,
- windscreen,
- windshield,
- wingback,
- withhold,
- wrestler,
- yardman,
- yardmaster,
- yeoman