Exact Match:
- place
- an abstract mental location; "he has a special place in my thoughts"; "a place in my heart"; "a political system with no place for the less prominent groups"
- the passage that is being read; "he lost his place on the page"
- an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position"
- any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House"
- a general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago"
- a particular situation; "If you were in my place what would you do?"
- proper or designated social situation; "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station"
- proper or appropriate position or location; "a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen"
- take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"
- estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."
- to arrange for; "place a phone call", "place a bet"
- sing a note with the correct pitch
- finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place"
- place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation"
- assign to (a job or a home)
- identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"
- Anschauung,
- Autobahn,
- OK,
- US highway,
- a leg up,
- abiding place,
- abode,
- address,
- advance,
- agora,
- airspace,
- align,
- all right,
- all set,
- allegiance,
- alley,
- alleyway,
- allocate,
- allot,
- alphabetize,
- amphitheater,
- analyze,
- angle,
- angle of vision,
- anoint,
- antepast,
- apartment,
- apply,
- appointment,
- apportion,
- appropriate,
- approximate,
- area,
- arena,
- arise,
- arrange,
- array,
- arrive,
- arterial,
- arterial highway,
- arterial street,
- artery,
- ascribe,
- assign,
- assigned task,
- associate,
- assort,
- athletic field,
- attach,
- attribute,
- auditorium,
- autoroute,
- autostrada,
- avenue,
- awkward,
- background,
- basis,
- bear garden,
- bearings,
- belt,
- belt highway,
- bench mark,
- berth,
- billet,
- blind alley,
- boulevard,
- bounden duty,
- bout,
- bowl,
- boxing ring,
- bracket,
- break down,
- bring down,
- bull ring,
- bung,
- burden,
- burden with,
- business,
- buy in,
- buy into,
- bypass,
- byway,
- call,
- call of duty,
- camino real,
- campo,
- campus,
- cantonment,
- canvas,
- capacity,
- carriageway,
- case,
- caste,
- catalog,
- categorize,
- causeway,
- causey,
- chair,
- chance,
- character,
- charge,
- chaussee,
- chore,
- circumferential,
- circumstance,
- circumstances,
- circus,
- city,
- class,
- classify,
- clear stage,
- close,
- cockpit,
- codify,
- coliseum,
- collocate,
- colosseum,
- come about,
- commitment,
- compose,
- concern,
- condition,
- confines,
- connection,
- consider,
- continental shelf,
- continuity,
- corduroy road,
- correct,
- corridor,
- country,
- county road,
- course,
- court,
- cover,
- crash pad,
- crescent,
- crib,
- crown,
- cul-de-sac,
- dead-end street,
- deal,
- deal out,
- dedication,
- deference,
- degree,
- demand,
- department,
- deploy,
- deposit,
- dessert,
- determinate,
- devoir,
- devotion,
- diagnose,
- digest,
- diggings,
- digs,
- dike,
- dirt road,
- dish,
- dispose,
- distinguish,
- distribute,
- district,
- divide,
- division,
- domicile,
- domus,
- drive,
- driveway,
- duties and responsibilities,
- duty,
- dwelling,
- dwelling place,
- echelon,
- embarrass,
- emplace,
- emplacement,
- employment,
- engagement,
- enjoin,
- enthrone,
- entree,
- entremets,
- environs,
- establish,
- estate,
- ethics,
- exact,
- expressway,
- eye,
- fair field,
- fair game,
- farmstead,
- fasten upon,
- fealty,
- field,
- file,
- financier,
- finger,
- fitting,
- fix,
- flat,
- floor,
- flourish,
- footing,
- forum,
- frame of reference,
- framework,
- freeway,
- freight with,
- function,
- get a fix,
- get ahead,
- gig,
- give,
- go,
- go on,
- go places,
- good form,
- gradation,
- grade,
- grange,
- gravel road,
- ground,
- group,
- gym,
- gymnasium,
- habitation,
- hacienda,
- hall,
- hamlet,
- happen,
- have,
- heartland,
- help,
- helping,
- hierarchy,
- highroad,
- highway,
- highways and byways,
- hinterland,
- hippodrome,
- hole,
- homage,
- home,
- home in on,
- home place,
- homecroft,
- homestead,
- house,
- house and grounds,
- house and lot,
- humble,
- identify,
- imperative,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- improper,
- impute,
- in order,
- in place,
- in situ,
- inappropriate,
- inaugurate,
- incumbency,
- index,
- induct,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- inning,
- innings,
- install,
- instate,
- interstate highway,
- invest,
- invest in,
- jam,
- job,
- judge,
- know,
- know again,
- land,
- lane,
- latitude and longitude,
- lay,
- lay on,
- lay out money,
- levy,
- liberty,
- lieu,
- light,
- line,
- line of duty,
- line up,
- list,
- lists,
- livelihood,
- local road,
- locale,
- locality,
- localize,
- locate,
- location,
- locus,
- lodging,
- lodging place,
- lodgings,
- lodgment,
- lot,
- loyalty,
- main drag,
- main road,
- make a splash,
- make an investment,
- make good,
- make out,
- market,
- market cross,
- marketplace,
- marshal,
- mart,
- mat,
- mental outlook,
- messuage,
- mews,
- milieu,
- misplaced,
- mission,
- modality,
- mode,
- moonlighting,
- mortify,
- motorway,
- must,
- nail,
- navigate,
- neighborhood,
- nest,
- niche,
- obligation,
- occasion,
- occupation,
- occur,
- office,
- offshore rights,
- okay,
- onus,
- open forum,
- opening,
- opportunism,
- opportunity,
- order,
- ought,
- out of place,
- outlook,
- pad,
- palaestra,
- parade ground,
- parcel out,
- park,
- parkway,
- part,
- parts,
- pass,
- pave,
- paved road,
- peg,
- piazza,
- pickle,
- pigeonhole,
- pike,
- pin down,
- pinpoint,
- pit,
- place in office,
- place to live,
- placement,
- plank road,
- plate,
- platform,
- plaza,
- plight,
- plow back into,
- plunge,
- point,
- point of view,
- portion,
- pose,
- posit,
- position,
- post,
- posture,
- power structure,
- precedence,
- precinct,
- precincts,
- predicament,
- premises,
- primary highway,
- private road,
- prize ring,
- proper,
- prosper,
- province,
- public square,
- purlieu,
- purlieus,
- purpose,
- put,
- put down,
- put in,
- put in place,
- put on,
- put out,
- put upon,
- quarter,
- quarters,
- rally,
- ranch,
- rancho,
- range,
- rank,
- rate,
- rating,
- ready,
- realize,
- recall,
- recall knowledge of,
- reckon,
- recognize,
- refer,
- reference system,
- regard,
- regiment,
- region,
- reidentify,
- reinvest,
- relief,
- remember,
- residence,
- respect,
- responsibility,
- rialto,
- right,
- right-of-way,
- ring,
- ring road,
- risk,
- road,
- roadbed,
- roadway,
- role,
- roof,
- room,
- rooms,
- round,
- route nationale,
- row,
- royal road,
- saddle with,
- salient,
- say,
- scene,
- scene of action,
- scenery,
- scope,
- seat,
- second helping,
- second job,
- secondary road,
- section,
- see,
- self-imposed duty,
- sequence,
- serial order,
- service,
- serving,
- set,
- set out,
- set up,
- setting,
- settle,
- side,
- sight,
- sink,
- sink money in,
- site,
- situate,
- situation,
- situs,
- slant,
- slot,
- soil,
- sort,
- space,
- speculate,
- speedway,
- spell,
- sphere,
- spot,
- square,
- squared circle,
- squelch,
- stadium,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- stand,
- standing,
- standpoint,
- state,
- state highway,
- station,
- status,
- stead,
- steading,
- stepping-stone,
- stick,
- street,
- strike it rich,
- subdivide,
- subject to,
- submit,
- subordination,
- succeed,
- suitable,
- superhighway,
- system,
- tabulate,
- take place,
- task,
- tax,
- tell,
- tenure,
- terrace,
- terrain,
- territory,
- theater,
- thoroughfare,
- three-mile limit,
- thrive,
- throne,
- through street,
- thruway,
- tilting ground,
- tiltyard,
- time,
- time at bat,
- toft,
- toll road,
- town,
- township road,
- tract,
- transpire,
- triangulate,
- turn,
- turnpike,
- twelve-mile limit,
- type,
- uncomfortable,
- universe,
- unsuitable,
- vacancy,
- venture,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- view,
- viewpoint,
- village,
- walk,
- weight down with,
- whack,
- where,
- whereabout,
- whereabouts,
- wrestling ring,
- wrong,
- wynd,
- yoke with,
- zero in on,
- zone