Exact Match:
- connection
- shifting from one form of transportation to another; "the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta"
- an instrumentality that connects; "he soldered the connection"; "he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers"
- a supplier (especially of narcotics)
- (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship); "he has powerful connections"
- a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare"
- a connecting shape
- the state of being connected; "the connection between church and state is inescapable"
- ESP,
- Indian file,
- abutment,
- abuttal,
- access,
- accord,
- accounting for,
- acquaintance,
- act of love,
- addition,
- adjacency,
- adjoiningness,
- adjunct,
- adultery,
- affairs,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- agent,
- agglomeration,
- agglutination,
- aggregation,
- agnation,
- aisle,
- alley,
- alliance,
- ally,
- ambulatory,
- ancestry,
- ankle,
- answer,
- answerability,
- aperture,
- aphrodisia,
- applicability,
- application,
- appointment,
- appositeness,
- apposition,
- appropriateness,
- approximation,
- appulse,
- arbitrator,
- arcade,
- array,
- arrogation,
- artery,
- articulation,
- ascription,
- ass,
- assemblage,
- assignation,
- assignment,
- association,
- attachment,
- attribution,
- avenue,
- balling,
- bank,
- bearing,
- berth,
- billet,
- blame,
- blood,
- blood relationship,
- bond,
- boundary,
- bracketing,
- broker,
- brotherhood,
- brothership,
- butt,
- buzz,
- carnal knowledge,
- catena,
- catenation,
- cervix,
- chain,
- chain reaction,
- chaining,
- channel,
- charge,
- church,
- climax,
- clinch,
- cloister,
- closeness,
- closure,
- clustering,
- cognation,
- cohabitation,
- coherence,
- coition,
- coitus,
- coitus interruptus,
- colonnade,
- combination,
- commerce,
- common ancestry,
- common descent,
- communication,
- communion,
- concatenation,
- concern,
- concernment,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- conduit,
- confluence,
- congeries,
- conglomeration,
- congress,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connectedness,
- connecting,
- connecting link,
- connecting rod,
- connection with,
- connections,
- consanguinity,
- consecution,
- consecutiveness,
- consistency,
- contact,
- conterminousness,
- contiguity,
- continuity,
- continuum,
- contrariety,
- convergence,
- conversation,
- converse,
- copula,
- copulation,
- correlation,
- correspondence,
- corridor,
- coterminousness,
- coupling,
- course,
- cousinhood,
- cousinship,
- covered way,
- credit,
- creed,
- cult,
- cycle,
- dealing,
- dealings,
- deduction,
- defile,
- denomination,
- deputy,
- derivation from,
- descent,
- diddling,
- disjunction,
- distributor,
- dovetail,
- drag,
- drone,
- elbow,
- embrace,
- enation,
- endless belt,
- endless round,
- etiology,
- exchange,
- exit,
- faith,
- family,
- family connection,
- fatherhood,
- ferry,
- file,
- filiation,
- ford,
- fornication,
- fraternity,
- friend at court,
- front,
- front man,
- gallery,
- gamut,
- gathering,
- germaneness,
- gliding joint,
- go-between,
- gradation,
- hinge,
- hinged joint,
- hip,
- homology,
- honor,
- hookup,
- hum,
- imputation,
- influence,
- information,
- inlet,
- interaction,
- interagent,
- interceder,
- intercessor,
- interchange,
- intercommunication,
- intercommunion,
- intercourse,
- interest,
- interface,
- interlinking,
- intermediary,
- intermediate,
- intermediate agent,
- intermediator,
- intermedium,
- internuncio,
- interplay,
- interpleader,
- interrelationship,
- intersection,
- intervener,
- interventor,
- intimacy,
- job,
- jobber,
- join,
- joinder,
- joining,
- joint,
- jointure,
- junction,
- juncture,
- juxtaposition,
- kin,
- kindred,
- kinship,
- kith and kin,
- knee,
- knotting,
- knuckle,
- lane,
- liaison,
- line,
- lineage,
- linguistic intercourse,
- link,
- linkage,
- linking,
- lovemaking,
- making it with,
- marital affinity,
- marital relations,
- marriage,
- marriage act,
- marriage connection,
- marriage relationship,
- materiality,
- maternity,
- mating,
- matrilineage,
- matriliny,
- matrisib,
- matrocliny,
- meat,
- mediary,
- mediator,
- medium,
- meeting,
- merger,
- merging,
- message,
- middleman,
- miter,
- monotone,
- mortise,
- motherhood,
- mouthpiece,
- mutual attraction,
- nearness,
- neck,
- negotiant,
- negotiator,
- negotiatress,
- negotiatrix,
- nexus,
- office,
- ombudsman,
- onanism,
- opening,
- orderliness,
- orgasm,
- outlet,
- overpass,
- ovum,
- pairing,
- palaetiology,
- pareunia,
- partnership,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- paternity,
- patrilineage,
- patriliny,
- patrisib,
- patrocliny,
- pendulum,
- perigee,
- perihelion,
- periodicity,
- persuasion,
- pertinence,
- pivot,
- pivot joint,
- place,
- placement,
- plenum,
- portico,
- position,
- post,
- powder train,
- procreation,
- progression,
- propinquity,
- proximity,
- pull,
- queue,
- rabbet,
- railroad tunnel,
- range,
- rank,
- rapport,
- recurrence,
- reference,
- reference to,
- regard,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relations,
- relationship,
- relatives,
- relevance,
- reply,
- respect,
- response,
- responsibility,
- reticulation,
- rotation,
- round,
- routine,
- row,
- run,
- saddling,
- scale,
- scarf,
- screwing,
- seam,
- sect,
- sequence,
- series,
- sex,
- sex act,
- sexual climax,
- sexual commerce,
- sexual congress,
- sexual intercourse,
- sexual relations,
- sexual union,
- shoulder,
- sibship,
- similarity,
- single file,
- sisterhood,
- sistership,
- situation,
- sleeping with,
- social intercourse,
- speaking,
- spectrum,
- speech,
- speech circuit,
- speech situation,
- sperm,
- splice,
- spokesman,
- spokeswoman,
- spot,
- stitch,
- string,
- succession,
- suture,
- swath,
- symbiosis,
- sympathy,
- symphysis,
- syzygy,
- talking,
- telepathy,
- thread,
- tie,
- tie rod,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- tier,
- ties of blood,
- togetherness,
- toggle,
- toggle joint,
- touch,
- traffic,
- train,
- traject,
- trajet,
- truck,
- tunnel,
- two-way communication,
- underpass,
- unification,
- union,
- uniting,
- venery,
- weld,
- wholesaler,
- windrow,
- wrist,
- yoking