Exact Match:
- ground
- (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
- a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
- a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
- a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle); "they gained ground step by step"; "they fought to regain the lost ground"
- instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
- connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"
- hit onto the ground
- hit a groundball; "he grounded to the second baseman"
- throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
- place or put on the ground
- confine or restrict to the ground; "After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot"
- hit or reach the ground
- bring to the ground; "the storm grounded the ship"
- Bassalia,
- a priori principle,
- abyss,
- abyssal zone,
- acres,
- affirmation,
- agora,
- air brush,
- airspace,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- ambition,
- amphitheater,
- angle,
- antecedent,
- antecedents,
- apriorism,
- arable land,
- area,
- arena,
- argument,
- art paper,
- aspiration,
- assertion,
- assumed position,
- assumption,
- athletic field,
- auditorium,
- axiom,
- back,
- backdrop,
- background,
- base,
- basement,
- basin,
- basis,
- bathyal zone,
- beach,
- bear garden,
- bearing wall,
- bed,
- bedding,
- bedrock,
- belt,
- benthos,
- billiard table,
- blow down,
- blow over,
- bottom,
- bottom waters,
- bottomless depths,
- bottommost,
- bowl,
- bowl down,
- bowl over,
- bowling green,
- boxing ring,
- branny,
- bring down,
- broaden the mind,
- brush,
- build,
- build in,
- bull ring,
- bulldog,
- call,
- calling,
- camera lucida,
- camera obscura,
- campus,
- canvas,
- carpet,
- cast away,
- cast down,
- catechize,
- categorical proposition,
- causation,
- cause,
- cause and effect,
- chalk,
- chalklike,
- chalky,
- channel,
- charcoal,
- chop down,
- chromogen,
- cincture,
- circus,
- civilize,
- clay,
- clod,
- close,
- coach,
- coat,
- coat of paint,
- coating,
- cockpit,
- coliseum,
- color,
- color filter,
- color gelatin,
- colorant,
- coloring,
- colosseum,
- comminute,
- comminuted,
- compass,
- confine,
- confines,
- confirm,
- consideration,
- container,
- continental shelf,
- coop,
- corridor,
- coulee,
- country,
- course,
- court,
- courtyard,
- cover,
- crayon,
- crushed,
- crust,
- curtilage,
- cut down,
- dash down,
- data,
- dead flat,
- dead level,
- dead-color,
- deck,
- deep-dye,
- define,
- delimited field,
- demonstrate,
- demonstration,
- department,
- deposit,
- determinant,
- determinative,
- detrital,
- detrited,
- direct,
- dirt,
- disintegrated,
- distance,
- distemper,
- district,
- division,
- down,
- drawing paper,
- drawing pencil,
- dregs,
- drier,
- drop,
- dry land,
- dust,
- dusty,
- dye,
- dyestuff,
- earth,
- easel,
- edify,
- educate,
- efflorescent,
- element,
- embed,
- enclave,
- enclosure,
- engraft,
- engrave,
- enlighten,
- entrench,
- environs,
- esplanade,
- establish,
- etch,
- etiology,
- evidence,
- excuse,
- exterior paint,
- factor,
- farinaceous,
- fell,
- fetch down,
- field,
- fine,
- first principles,
- fix,
- fixative,
- flaky,
- flat,
- flat coat,
- flat wash,
- flatland,
- flatten,
- floor,
- floor covering,
- floor enamel,
- flooring,
- floury,
- fold,
- fond,
- footing,
- forum,
- found,
- foundation,
- freehold,
- fundament,
- fundamental,
- furfuraceous,
- give instruction,
- give lessons in,
- glebe,
- goal,
- gone to dust,
- good reason,
- grassland,
- grated,
- grounds,
- groundwork,
- guide,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- gym,
- gymnasium,
- hall,
- hardpan,
- heartland,
- hew down,
- hinterland,
- hippodrome,
- homaloid,
- horizontal,
- horizontal axis,
- horizontal fault,
- horizontal line,
- horizontal parallax,
- horizontal plane,
- horizontal projection,
- hypothesis,
- hypothesis ad hoc,
- ideal,
- illumine,
- impact,
- impalpable,
- implant,
- impress,
- imprint,
- infix,
- inform,
- infrastructure,
- ingrain,
- initiate,
- inner space,
- inscribe,
- inspiration,
- install,
- instruct,
- insulate,
- intention,
- interior paint,
- invest,
- isolate,
- jam,
- justification,
- knock down,
- land,
- landholdings,
- lay figure,
- lay level,
- lay low,
- lay out,
- lay the foundation,
- ledge,
- lees,
- lemma,
- level,
- level line,
- level plane,
- levigated,
- list,
- lists,
- lithosphere,
- loam,
- locale,
- lodestar,
- lodge,
- lowest,
- mainspring,
- major premise,
- marginal land,
- marketplace,
- marl,
- mat,
- material basis,
- matter,
- maulstick,
- mealy,
- mean sea level,
- medium,
- milieu,
- milled,
- minor premise,
- mise-en-scene,
- mold,
- motive,
- mow down,
- neighborhood,
- nethermost,
- occasion,
- ocean bottom,
- ocean depths,
- ocean floor,
- offshore rights,
- opaque color,
- open forum,
- open the eyes,
- organize,
- pack,
- paint,
- paintbrush,
- palaestra,
- pale,
- palette,
- palette knife,
- paling,
- parade ground,
- park,
- parquet,
- part,
- parterre,
- parts,
- pastel,
- pave,
- pavement,
- paving,
- pelagic zone,
- pen,
- pencil,
- perspective,
- pestled,
- philosopheme,
- pigment,
- pigments,
- pile up,
- pit,
- pitch,
- place,
- plain,
- plane,
- plant,
- platform,
- position,
- post,
- postulate,
- postulation,
- postulatum,
- powdered,
- powdery,
- prairie,
- precinct,
- precincts,
- precipitate,
- precipitation,
- premise,
- premises,
- prepare,
- presupposition,
- prime coat,
- primer,
- priming,
- principle,
- print,
- prize ring,
- proof,
- proposition,
- propositional function,
- prostrate,
- public square,
- pull down,
- pulverant,
- pulverized,
- pulverulent,
- purlieu,
- purlieus,
- put in,
- put up,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- quarter,
- radical,
- range,
- rase,
- rationale,
- raze,
- real estate,
- real property,
- rear,
- reason,
- reduced to powder,
- reeducate,
- region,
- regolith,
- right,
- ring,
- riprap,
- rock bottom,
- rock-bottom,
- root,
- rudiment,
- run aground,
- sake,
- salient,
- scaly,
- scene,
- scene of action,
- scenery,
- school,
- scobicular,
- scobiform,
- scope,
- score,
- scratchboard,
- scurfy,
- sea level,
- sea of grass,
- seat,
- section,
- sediment,
- send headlong,
- set,
- set in,
- set right,
- set up,
- setting,
- settle,
- settlings,
- sharded,
- sharpen the wits,
- shipwreck,
- show,
- show how,
- shredded,
- siccative,
- sill,
- site,
- sketchbook,
- sketchpad,
- sod,
- soil,
- solid ground,
- solid rock,
- source,
- space,
- spatula,
- sphere,
- spray gun,
- spread-eagle,
- spring,
- square,
- squared circle,
- stadium,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- stain,
- stamp,
- stand,
- standing,
- statement,
- station,
- status,
- steppe,
- stereobate,
- stereotype,
- stimulus,
- strand,
- stump,
- stylobate,
- subaerial deposit,
- subsoil,
- substance,
- substratum,
- substruction,
- substructure,
- sumption,
- supinate,
- supposal,
- surfacing,
- sustain,
- table,
- take down,
- take the ground,
- teach,
- teach a lesson,
- teach the rudiments,
- tempera,
- terra,
- terra firma,
- terrace,
- terrain,
- territory,
- test,
- testimony,
- the country,
- the deep,
- the deep sea,
- the deeps,
- the depths,
- theater,
- theorem,
- thesis,
- thinner,
- three-mile limit,
- throw,
- throw down,
- tilting ground,
- tiltyard,
- tinction,
- tincture,
- toft,
- topple,
- topsoil,
- train,
- transparent color,
- trench,
- trial,
- trip,
- triturated,
- truth table,
- truth-function,
- truth-value,
- tumble,
- turf,
- turpentine,
- turps,
- tutor,
- twelve-mile limit,
- ulterior motive,
- underbuilding,
- undercarriage,
- undercoat,
- undercoating,
- undergirding,
- undermost,
- underpinning,
- understruction,
- understructure,
- varnish,
- vehicle,
- venue,
- vest,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- viewpoint,
- vocation,
- walk,
- warrant,
- wash,
- wash coat,
- water level,
- wedge,
- whack down,
- wherefore,
- why,
- whyfor,
- woodland,
- wreck,
- wrestling ring,
- yard,
- zone