Exact Match:
- applicable
- readily applicable or practical
- capable of being applied; having relevance; "gave applicable examples to support her argument"
- a propos,
- actionable,
- ad rem,
- adapted,
- admissible,
- appertaining,
- appliable,
- applying,
- apposite,
- appropriate,
- apropos,
- apt,
- authorized,
- becoming,
- befitting,
- belonging,
- compatible,
- competent,
- compliant,
- congenial,
- connective,
- constitutional,
- correct,
- dovetailing,
- exploitable,
- felicitous,
- fit,
- fitted,
- fitting,
- geared,
- germane,
- good,
- happy,
- in point,
- involving,
- judicial,
- juridical,
- just,
- just right,
- justiciable,
- kosher,
- lawful,
- lawmaking,
- legal,
- legislative,
- legit,
- legitimate,
- licit,
- likely,
- manipulable,
- material,
- meet,
- meshing,
- on the button,
- operable,
- opportune,
- pat,
- pertaining,
- pertinent,
- pliable,
- practical,
- proper,
- qualified,
- relevant,
- reusable,
- right,
- rightful,
- sanctioned,
- seasonable,
- seemly,
- sortable,
- statutory,
- suitable,
- suited,
- suiting,
- tailored,
- to the point,
- to the purpose,
- usable,
- utilizable,
- valid,
- within the law