Exact Match:
- bare
- completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model"
- having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare"
- providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape"
- lacking its natural or customary covering; "a bare hill"; "bare feet"
- lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture"
- lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings"
- Spartan,
- absolute,
- and,
- ascetic,
- austere,
- bald,
- bankrupt,
- bare-ass,
- bared,
- barren,
- basic,
- bland,
- blank,
- bleached,
- bleak,
- break the seal,
- bring to light,
- candid,
- characterless,
- chaste,
- clarified,
- clear,
- cleared,
- cold,
- common,
- commonplace,
- deep-worn,
- defoliate,
- defoliated,
- denudate,
- denude,
- denuded,
- deobstruct,
- depleted,
- deprive,
- desert,
- desolate,
- destitute,
- develop,
- devoid,
- direct,
- disclose,
- disclosed,
- discover,
- dismantle,
- dismask,
- disrobe,
- distilled,
- divest,
- divested,
- divulge,
- dog-eared,
- draw the veil,
- dried-up,
- dry,
- dull,
- elementary,
- emptied,
- empty,
- essential,
- exhausted,
- exhibit,
- expose,
- exposed,
- featureless,
- fleece,
- frank,
- free,
- fundamental,
- gymnosophical,
- hairless,
- hard,
- hatless,
- hollow,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homogeneous,
- impart,
- in native buff,
- in puris naturalibus,
- in the altogether,
- in the buff,
- in the raw,
- inane,
- indivisible,
- insipid,
- irreducible,
- lay bare,
- lay open,
- lean,
- let daylight in,
- let out,
- literal,
- manifest,
- matter-of-fact,
- mere,
- minimal,
- monolithic,
- naked,
- natural,
- naturistic,
- neat,
- nude,
- nudist,
- null,
- null and void,
- of a piece,
- open,
- open as day,
- open to all,
- open up,
- out-and-out,
- overt,
- patefy,
- peeled,
- plain,
- plain-speaking,
- plain-spoken,
- pluck,
- primal,
- primary,
- prosaic,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- pure,
- pure and simple,
- purified,
- raise the curtain,
- raw,
- rectified,
- remove,
- reveal,
- revealed,
- rustic,
- scant,
- scanty,
- sere,
- severe,
- shear,
- sheer,
- shelfworn,
- shopworn,
- shorn,
- show,
- show up,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- simple-speaking,
- single,
- sober,
- spare,
- stark,
- stark-naked,
- straight,
- straightforward,
- strip,
- strip bare,
- stripped,
- tell,
- threadbare,
- timeworn,
- unadorned,
- unadulterated,
- unaffected,
- unalloyed,
- unarrayed,
- unattired,
- unblended,
- unblock,
- uncase,
- unclad,
- unclassified,
- unclench,
- uncloak,
- unclog,
- unclogged,
- unclosed,
- unclothed,
- unclutch,
- uncluttered,
- uncombined,
- uncomplicated,
- uncompounded,
- unconcealed,
- uncork,
- uncorrupted,
- uncover,
- uncovered,
- uncurtain,
- undecked,
- undecorated,
- undifferenced,
- undifferentiated,
- undiluted,
- undisguised,
- undo,
- undrape,
- undress,
- undressed,
- unembellished,
- unenhanced,
- unfilled,
- unfold,
- unfortified,
- unfoul,
- unfurbished,
- unfurl,
- ungarnished,
- unhidden,
- uniform,
- unimaginative,
- unkennel,
- unlatch,
- unleavened,
- unlock,
- unmask,
- unmingled,
- unmixed,
- unobstructed,
- unornamented,
- unpack,
- unplug,
- unpoetical,
- unrelieved,
- unrestricted,
- unrobed,
- unroll,
- unscreen,
- unseal,
- unsheathe,
- unshod,
- unshroud,
- unshut,
- unsophisticated,
- unstop,
- unstopped,
- unsupplied,
- untinged,
- untrimmed,
- unvarnished,
- unveil,
- unwrap,
- vacant,
- vacuous,
- void,
- well-worn,
- white,
- wide-open,
- with nothing inside,
- with nothing on,
- without a stitch,
- without content,
- worn,
- worn ragged,
- worn to rags,
- worn to threads,
- worn-down