Exact Match:
- bit
- the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press; "he looked around for the right size bit"
- piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding; "the horse was not accustomed to a bit"
- a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a bit of rock caught him in the eye"
- a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states; "there are 8 bits in a byte"
- EDP,
- a breath,
- a continental,
- a curse,
- a damn,
- a darn,
- a hoot,
- ace,
- act,
- actor,
- aculeus,
- acumination,
- afterpiece,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- alphabetic data,
- alphanumeric code,
- anchor watch,
- angular data,
- antagonist,
- antihero,
- arrest,
- assembler,
- atom,
- auger,
- back band,
- backstrap,
- bagatelle,
- bauble,
- bean,
- bearing rein,
- bellyband,
- bibelot,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- binary digit,
- binary scale,
- binary system,
- bit part,
- bite,
- blinders,
- blinds,
- borer,
- bowshot,
- brake,
- brass farthing,
- breeching,
- bridle,
- brief span,
- budget,
- bug,
- butt,
- button,
- byte,
- caparison,
- cast,
- cavesson,
- cent,
- chain,
- channel,
- character,
- chaser,
- check,
- checkrein,
- cheekpiece,
- chinband,
- chip,
- chock,
- chunk,
- cinch,
- cipher,
- clip,
- clipping,
- clog,
- close quarters,
- close range,
- collar,
- collop,
- command pulses,
- commands,
- commission,
- communication explosion,
- communication theory,
- compiler,
- computer code,
- computer language,
- computer program,
- constrain,
- contingent,
- control signals,
- controlled quantity,
- correcting signals,
- countercheck,
- crack,
- crownband,
- crumb,
- crupper,
- cue,
- curb,
- curb bit,
- curio,
- curtain,
- curtain call,
- curtain raiser,
- cusp,
- cut,
- cutting,
- dab,
- damper,
- data,
- data retrieval,
- data storage,
- day shift,
- deal,
- decoding,
- destiny,
- digit,
- divertimento,
- divertissement,
- dividend,
- dogwatch,
- dole,
- dollop,
- doorstop,
- dot,
- drag,
- drag sail,
- dram,
- dribble,
- driblet,
- drift anchor,
- drift sail,
- drill,
- drogue,
- drop,
- dwarf,
- earreach,
- earshot,
- electronic data processing,
- encoding,
- end,
- entropy,
- epilogue,
- equal share,
- error,
- error signals,
- exode,
- exodus,
- expository scene,
- farce,
- farthing,
- fat part,
- fate,
- feather,
- feedback pulses,
- feedback signals,
- feeder,
- fetter,
- fig,
- figure,
- film data,
- finale,
- fleabite,
- fleck,
- flyspeck,
- folderol,
- fragment,
- fribble,
- frippery,
- full time,
- gag swivel,
- gaud,
- gewgaw,
- gimcrack,
- girth,
- gob,
- gobbet,
- grain,
- granule,
- graveyard shift,
- groat,
- gunshot,
- hackamore,
- hair,
- hair space,
- hairbreadth,
- hairsbreadth,
- half,
- half rations,
- half time,
- halfpenny,
- halter,
- halver,
- hames,
- hametugs,
- handful,
- harness,
- headgear,
- headstall,
- heavy,
- helping,
- hero,
- heroine,
- hexadecimal system,
- hill of beans,
- hip straps,
- hoke act,
- hold back,
- hold down,
- hold in,
- holdback,
- hunk,
- inch,
- information,
- information explosion,
- information theory,
- ingenue,
- inhibit,
- input data,
- input quantity,
- instant,
- instructions,
- interest,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- introduction,
- iota,
- jaquima,
- jerk line,
- jest,
- joke,
- jot,
- kickshaw,
- knickknack,
- knickknackery,
- lead,
- lead role,
- leading lady,
- leading man,
- leading woman,
- lines,
- little,
- little bit,
- little ways,
- little while,
- lobster trick,
- lot,
- lota,
- lump,
- machine language,
- martingale,
- measure,
- meed,
- mere subsistence,
- mess,
- message,
- minikin,
- minim,
- minimum,
- minutiae,
- mite,
- mockery,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- molecule,
- molehill,
- moment,
- morsel,
- mote,
- mouthful,
- mucro,
- multiple messages,
- neb,
- needle,
- nib,
- night shift,
- no time,
- noise,
- noseband,
- notation,
- number,
- numeral,
- numeric data,
- numero,
- nutshell,
- octal system,
- oscillograph data,
- ounce,
- output data,
- output quantity,
- overtime,
- pair of winks,
- paring,
- part,
- part time,
- particle,
- pebble,
- pelham,
- peppercorn,
- percentage,
- person,
- personage,
- picayune,
- piece,
- pin,
- pinch,
- pinch of snuff,
- pinprick,
- pistol shot,
- pittance,
- play,
- point,
- polar data,
- pole strap,
- portion,
- prick,
- prickle,
- prologue,
- proportion,
- protagonist,
- punch-card data,
- quantum,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- random data,
- rap,
- rasher,
- ration,
- rectangular data,
- red cent,
- redundancy,
- reference quantity,
- reins,
- relay,
- remora,
- ribbons,
- role,
- routine,
- row of pins,
- ruly English,
- rush,
- saddle,
- scene,
- scoop,
- scotch,
- scrap,
- scrimption,
- scruple,
- sea anchor,
- segment,
- shackle,
- shaft tug,
- shard,
- share,
- shaving,
- shift,
- shit,
- shiver,
- short allowance,
- short commons,
- short distance,
- short piece,
- short spell,
- short time,
- short way,
- shred,
- shtick,
- side,
- side check,
- sign,
- signal,
- signals,
- single messages,
- sketch,
- skit,
- slice,
- sliver,
- small share,
- small space,
- smidgen,
- smitch,
- smithereen,
- snack,
- snaffle,
- snap,
- snatch,
- sneeshing,
- snip,
- snippet,
- song and dance,
- sou,
- soubrette,
- space,
- span,
- speck,
- spell,
- spitting distance,
- splinter,
- split schedule,
- split shift,
- spoke,
- spoonful,
- spot,
- spurt,
- stake,
- stand-up comedy act,
- starvation wages,
- stay,
- step,
- sting,
- stint,
- stitch,
- stock,
- stop,
- straight part,
- straw,
- stretch,
- striptease,
- stump,
- sunrise watch,
- supporting character,
- supporting role,
- surcingle,
- swing shift,
- symbol,
- tack,
- tackle,
- tatter,
- thimbleful,
- time,
- tiny bit,
- tip,
- title role,
- tittle,
- tour,
- tour of duty,
- toy,
- trammel,
- trappings,
- trick,
- trifle,
- trifling amount,
- trinket,
- trivia,
- triviality,
- tug,
- tuppence,
- turn,
- turn of work,
- two cents,
- two shakes,
- twopence,
- unorganized data,
- villain,
- visible-speech data,
- walk-on,
- walking part,
- watch,
- whet,
- whim-wham,
- whit,
- winker braces,
- withhold,
- work shift,
- yoke