Exact Match:
- bluff
- the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards
- pretense that your position is stronger than it really is; "his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted"
- a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)
- bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured; "a bluff but pleasant manner"; "a bluff and rugged natural leader"
- very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front; "a bluff headland"; "where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise"; "a sheer descent of rock"
- frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is
- deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand
- Herod,
- abrupt,
- act,
- act a part,
- acting,
- affable,
- affect,
- affectation,
- aggressive,
- appearance,
- approachable,
- artful dodge,
- artifice,
- artless,
- assume,
- attitudinizing,
- bag of tricks,
- bamboozle,
- barefaced,
- bearish,
- beastly,
- beguile,
- betray,
- biggety,
- blagueur,
- blatherskite,
- blind,
- bluff off,
- bluffer,
- bluffing,
- blunt,
- blunt-edged,
- blunt-ended,
- blunt-pointed,
- blunted,
- bluntish,
- bluster,
- bluster and bluff,
- blusterer,
- blustering,
- boastfulness,
- boasting,
- bold,
- bombast,
- born yesterday,
- bosey,
- bounce,
- brag,
- braggart,
- bragging,
- brash,
- bravado,
- bravo,
- breakneck,
- brief,
- broad,
- brusque,
- bucko,
- bullshit,
- bully,
- bullyboy,
- bullying,
- bustle,
- cajole,
- candid,
- catch,
- cavalier,
- charlatan,
- cheat on,
- cheating,
- cheeky,
- chicanery,
- childlike,
- chouse,
- churlish,
- chutzpadik,
- circumvent,
- cliff,
- cocky,
- color,
- coloring,
- confiding,
- conjure,
- contemptuous,
- counterfeit,
- cover up,
- cozen,
- crag,
- crude,
- crusty,
- curt,
- curve,
- curve-ball,
- deceive,
- deception,
- delude,
- delusion,
- derisive,
- design,
- device,
- diddle,
- direct,
- dirty deal,
- dirty trick,
- disguise,
- disrespectful,
- dissemblance,
- dissemble,
- dissembling,
- dissimulate,
- dissimulation,
- dodge,
- double-cross,
- downright,
- dull,
- dull-edged,
- dull-pointed,
- dulled,
- dullish,
- dupe,
- edgeless,
- escarpment,
- explicit,
- facade,
- face,
- facy,
- faired,
- fake,
- faker,
- fakery,
- faking,
- false air,
- false front,
- false show,
- falsity,
- fanfaron,
- fanfaronade,
- fast deal,
- feign,
- feigning,
- feint,
- fetch,
- ficelle,
- flip,
- flippant,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- fool,
- forestall,
- forthright,
- four-flush,
- four-flushing,
- fourflusher,
- frank,
- frankhearted,
- fraud,
- free,
- free-speaking,
- free-spoken,
- free-tongued,
- fresh,
- friendly,
- frighten off,
- front,
- fuss,
- gally,
- gambit,
- gammon,
- gasconade,
- genuine,
- get around,
- gilt,
- gimmick,
- gloss,
- good-natured,
- googly,
- gratuitous,
- gruff,
- guileless,
- gull,
- harsh,
- headland,
- headlong,
- heart-to-heart,
- hearty,
- hector,
- hectorer,
- hectoring,
- hoax,
- hocus-pocus,
- honest,
- hoodwink,
- hornswaggle,
- hot air,
- humbug,
- humbuggery,
- impersonator,
- impertinent,
- impostor,
- imposture,
- impudent,
- ingenu,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- intimidate,
- intimidation,
- joke,
- joker,
- juggle,
- kid,
- laconic,
- let down,
- let on,
- let on like,
- make a pretense,
- make as if,
- make believe,
- make like,
- malapert,
- malingerer,
- masquerade,
- meretriciousness,
- mislead,
- mock,
- mountebank,
- naive,
- nervy,
- no-nonsense,
- obtuse,
- open,
- openhearted,
- ostentation,
- out-herod Herod,
- outmaneuver,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outspoken,
- outward show,
- outwit,
- overreach,
- palisade,
- palisades,
- pass,
- pert,
- phony,
- pigeon,
- plain,
- plain-spoken,
- plainspoken,
- play,
- play a part,
- play one false,
- play possum,
- playact,
- playacting,
- ploy,
- plunging,
- pointless,
- pose,
- poser,
- poseur,
- posing,
- posture,
- precipice,
- precipitous,
- pretend,
- pretender,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- pretext,
- profess,
- promontory,
- puffery,
- put on,
- put something over,
- put to flight,
- quack,
- quacksalver,
- quackster,
- rage,
- rant,
- ranter,
- rapid,
- rave,
- raver,
- representation,
- ringer,
- rodomontade,
- roister,
- roisterer,
- rollick,
- rough,
- round,
- rounded,
- rude,
- ruse,
- saltimbanco,
- sassy,
- saucy,
- scar,
- scare away,
- scarp,
- scheme,
- scurvy trick,
- seeming,
- semblance,
- severe,
- sham,
- shammer,
- sharp,
- sheer,
- shift,
- short,
- show,
- side,
- simple,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- simulacrum,
- simulate,
- simulation,
- sincere,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- slang,
- sleight,
- sleight of hand,
- sleight-of-hand trick,
- smart,
- smart-alecky,
- smart-ass,
- smoothed,
- snippety,
- snippy,
- snow,
- speciousness,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- steep,
- storm,
- straight,
- straight-out,
- straightforward,
- stratagem,
- string along,
- subterfuge,
- surly,
- swagger,
- swaggerer,
- swashbuckle,
- swashbuckler,
- swashbucklery,
- swasher,
- tactless,
- take in,
- tart,
- terse,
- to the point,
- transparent,
- trick,
- truculent,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- two-time,
- uncalled-for,
- unchecked,
- unconstrained,
- unedged,
- unequivocal,
- unguarded,
- unpointed,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unsharp,
- unsharpened,
- unsophisticated,
- unsuspicious,
- unwary,
- vapor,
- vaporer,
- varnish,
- vertical,
- wall,
- wile,
- window dressing,
- wise-ass