Exact Match:
- brush
- contact with something dangerous or undesirable; "I had a brush with danger on my way to work"; "he tried to avoid any brushes with the police"
- the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush"
- the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
- a minor short-term fight
- an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
- conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
- momentary contact
- a dense growth of bushes
- remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections"
- touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"
- rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
- clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
- cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter"
- sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience"
- Arabia Deserta,
- Death Valley,
- Sahara,
- action,
- aerial combat,
- affray,
- air brush,
- air-dry,
- anhydrate,
- armored combat,
- art paper,
- attouchement,
- back country,
- backlog,
- backwoods,
- bake,
- ball the jack,
- barrel,
- barren,
- barren land,
- barrens,
- battle,
- battle royal,
- bavin,
- beak,
- bed,
- bed down,
- besom,
- blot,
- boom,
- boondock,
- boondocks,
- borderland,
- boscage,
- bowl along,
- bracken,
- brake,
- break,
- breath,
- breeze,
- breeze along,
- bridle,
- broom,
- brush,
- brush by,
- brush off,
- brush-off,
- brushwood,
- bullfight,
- bump,
- bunt,
- burn,
- bush,
- bush country,
- bushveld,
- camera lucida,
- camera obscura,
- canvas,
- caress,
- cauda,
- caudal appendage,
- caudation,
- chalk,
- charcoal,
- chuck,
- clash,
- clash of arms,
- clean,
- clip,
- cockfight,
- collide,
- combat,
- come in contact,
- con,
- conflict,
- contact,
- contingence,
- copse,
- crayon,
- cue,
- cure,
- curry,
- currycomb,
- cut along,
- cutaneous sense,
- dab,
- dehumidify,
- dehydrate,
- desert,
- desiccate,
- desolation,
- dismiss,
- disregard,
- dock,
- dogfight,
- drain,
- drawing paper,
- drawing pencil,
- drench,
- drier,
- dry,
- dust bowl,
- easel,
- embroilment,
- encounter,
- engagement,
- evaporate,
- exchange of blows,
- exsiccate,
- fagot,
- fantail,
- feed,
- feel,
- feeling,
- fight,
- fillip,
- fingertip caress,
- fire,
- fire fight,
- firewood,
- fixative,
- fleet,
- flick,
- flip,
- flirt,
- flit,
- fly,
- fly low,
- fodder,
- foot,
- forests,
- fray,
- frontier,
- gather,
- gentle,
- glance,
- go fast,
- go over,
- graze,
- groom,
- ground,
- ground combat,
- grove,
- hairbrush,
- hand-mindedness,
- hand-to-hand combat,
- hand-to-hand fight,
- handle,
- harness,
- heath,
- highball,
- hinterland,
- hit,
- hitch,
- house-to-house combat,
- howling wilderness,
- ignore,
- impinge,
- impingement,
- impingence,
- insolate,
- karroo,
- kiln,
- kindling,
- kindlings,
- kiss,
- lambency,
- lap,
- lay figure,
- lick,
- light touch,
- litter,
- log,
- lunar landscape,
- lunar waste,
- make knots,
- manage,
- maulstick,
- medium,
- melee,
- milk,
- mummify,
- naval combat,
- nip,
- nudge,
- osculate,
- osculation,
- outback,
- outpost,
- outstrip the wind,
- paint,
- paintbrush,
- palette,
- palette knife,
- parch,
- passage of arms,
- pastel,
- pat,
- peck,
- pencil,
- pick,
- pigments,
- pigtail,
- pile,
- pitched battle,
- pour it on,
- put aside,
- quarrel,
- queue,
- rap,
- rattail,
- rebuff,
- refresh,
- restudy,
- review,
- rip,
- rub,
- rub down,
- rumble,
- run-in,
- running fight,
- saddle,
- salt flat,
- scorch,
- scramble,
- scrape,
- scratchboard,
- scrimmage,
- scrub,
- scrubwood,
- scuffle,
- sear,
- sense of touch,
- set-to,
- shave,
- shoving match,
- shrivel,
- shrubwood,
- shrug off,
- siccative,
- sideswipe,
- sizzle,
- sketchbook,
- sketchpad,
- skim,
- skirmish,
- skirt,
- smoke,
- snap,
- soak up,
- spatula,
- speed,
- sponge,
- spray gun,
- squeak by,
- stand-up fight,
- storm along,
- stovewood,
- street fight,
- stroke,
- struggle,
- stub,
- study,
- stump,
- sun,
- sun-dry,
- swab,
- sweep,
- sweep out,
- sweep up,
- tactile sense,
- taction,
- tail,
- tailpiece,
- tame,
- tangency,
- tap,
- tauromachy,
- tear,
- tear along,
- tend,
- tentative contact,
- tentative poke,
- the bush,
- thicket,
- thunder along,
- tickle,
- timbers,
- tip,
- toothbrush,
- torrefy,
- touch,
- touch lightly,
- touch upon,
- touching,
- towel,
- train,
- tug-of-war,
- tussle,
- underbrush,
- undergrowth,
- underwood,
- uninhabited region,
- up-country,
- vacuum,
- vacuum-clean,
- varnish,
- virgin land,
- virgin territory,
- waste,
- wasteland,
- water,
- weary waste,
- weazen,
- whisk,
- whisper,
- whiz,
- wild,
- wild West,
- wilderness,
- wilds,
- wipe,
- wither,
- wizen,
- wood,
- woodlands,
- woods,
- yoke,
- yule clog,
- yule log,
- zing,
- zip,
- zoom