Exact Match:
- bug
- general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate
- a small hidden microphone; for listening secretly
- a fault or defect in a system or machine
- Mumbo Jumbo,
- abrade,
- addict,
- addle,
- addle the wits,
- adenovirus,
- aerobe,
- aerobic bacteria,
- aficionado,
- aggravate,
- agitate,
- alphabetic data,
- alphanumeric code,
- amoeba,
- anaerobe,
- anaerobic bacteria,
- angular data,
- annoy,
- apply pressure,
- arachnid,
- arthropod,
- assembler,
- attend,
- attend to,
- auscultate,
- bacillus,
- bacteria,
- bacterium,
- badger,
- bag,
- bait,
- ball up,
- balloon,
- be all ears,
- be at,
- becloud,
- bedazzle,
- bedevil,
- beetle,
- befuddle,
- belly,
- belly out,
- bend an ear,
- beset,
- besiege,
- bewilder,
- bigot,
- bilge,
- billow,
- binary digit,
- binary scale,
- binary system,
- bit,
- blandish,
- blemish,
- bogey,
- bogeyman,
- boggart,
- bogle,
- booger,
- boogerman,
- boogeyman,
- bother,
- bouge,
- bristle,
- brown off,
- buff,
- bugaboo,
- bugbear,
- bugger,
- bulge,
- bullyrag,
- burn up,
- buttonhole,
- byte,
- cajole,
- carp at,
- case,
- catch,
- caterpillar,
- centipede,
- chafe,
- chilopod,
- chivy,
- cloud,
- coax,
- coccus,
- cock the ears,
- collector,
- command pulses,
- commands,
- compiler,
- computer code,
- computer language,
- computer program,
- confuse,
- control signals,
- controlled quantity,
- convulse,
- correcting signals,
- crack,
- crank,
- craze,
- crazy fancy,
- daddy longlegs,
- data,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- defect,
- defection,
- deficiency,
- demon,
- devil,
- devotee,
- dilate,
- diplopod,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discompose,
- disconcert,
- disease-producing microorganism,
- disorganize,
- disorient,
- distemper,
- distend,
- distract,
- disturb,
- dog,
- drawback,
- dun,
- eager beaver,
- eavesdrop,
- echovirus,
- embarrass,
- embroil,
- energumen,
- entangle,
- enterovirus,
- enthusiasm,
- enthusiast,
- error,
- error signals,
- examine by ear,
- exasperate,
- exercise,
- exert pressure,
- faddist,
- failing,
- failure,
- fan,
- fanatic,
- fanatico,
- fascination,
- fash,
- fault,
- faute,
- fee-faw-fum,
- feedback pulses,
- feedback signals,
- fiend,
- film data,
- filterable virus,
- flaw,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- fly,
- fog,
- foible,
- frailty,
- freak,
- fret,
- fret at,
- fuddle,
- fungus,
- furor,
- furore,
- fuss,
- fuss at,
- gall,
- germ,
- get,
- give attention,
- give audience to,
- give ear,
- goggle,
- gram-negative bacteria,
- gram-positive bacteria,
- great one for,
- gripe,
- harass,
- hark,
- harry,
- harvestman,
- hassle,
- hear,
- hear out,
- hearken,
- heckle,
- hector,
- heed,
- henpeck,
- hexadecimal system,
- hexapod,
- hobbyist,
- hole,
- hound,
- imperfection,
- importune,
- inadequacy,
- infatuate,
- infatuation,
- infirmity,
- information,
- input data,
- input quantity,
- insect,
- instructions,
- intercept,
- irk,
- kink,
- larva,
- lend an ear,
- listen,
- listen at,
- listen in,
- listen to,
- little problem,
- lunatic fringe,
- machine language,
- maggot,
- make a reconnaissance,
- mania,
- maniac,
- manic-depressive psychosis,
- maze,
- message,
- microbe,
- microorganism,
- microphone,
- miff,
- mike,
- millepede,
- millipede,
- mist,
- mite,
- mix up,
- moider,
- mold,
- molest,
- monomaniac,
- muddle,
- multiple messages,
- nag,
- nag at,
- needle,
- nettle,
- nibble at,
- noise,
- nonfilterable virus,
- nudzh,
- numeric data,
- nut,
- nymph,
- octal system,
- oscillograph data,
- output data,
- output quantity,
- passion,
- pathogen,
- peck at,
- peep,
- peeve,
- perplex,
- persecute,
- perturb,
- pester,
- pick at,
- pick on,
- picornavirus,
- pique,
- plague,
- play,
- play the spy,
- pluck the beard,
- ply,
- polar data,
- pooch,
- pop,
- pother,
- pouch,
- pout,
- press,
- pressure,
- problem,
- protozoa,
- protozoon,
- provoke,
- psych,
- punch-card data,
- pursuer,
- push,
- put out,
- put under surveillance,
- radiomicrophone,
- rage,
- raise hell,
- random data,
- rattle,
- reconnoiter,
- rectangular data,
- reference quantity,
- reovirus,
- rhapsodist,
- rhinovirus,
- rickettsia,
- ride,
- rift,
- rile,
- roil,
- round out,
- ruffle,
- ruly English,
- scorpion,
- scout,
- scout out,
- shortcoming,
- signals,
- single messages,
- sit in on,
- snag,
- something missing,
- spider,
- spirillum,
- spirochete,
- spook,
- spore,
- spy,
- spy out,
- stake out,
- staphylococcus,
- streptococcus,
- sucker for,
- swell,
- swell out,
- taint,
- tap,
- tarantula,
- tease,
- throw,
- throw into confusion,
- tick,
- torment,
- trouble,
- try the patience,
- trypanosome,
- tweak the nose,
- unorganized data,
- unsettle,
- upset,
- urge,
- vex,
- vibrio,
- virus,
- visible-speech data,
- visionary,
- vulnerable place,
- watch,
- weak link,
- weak point,
- weakness,
- wheedle,
- wiretap,
- work on,
- worry,
- yap at,
- zealot