Exact Match:
- chancery
- an office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records; a court of public records
- a court with jurisdiction in equity
- appellate court,
- archives,
- assizes,
- booking office,
- box office,
- branch,
- branch office,
- cabinet,
- chambers,
- chancellery,
- chancery court,
- circuit court,
- civil court,
- closet,
- common-law court,
- conciliation court,
- consulate,
- corporate headquarters,
- county court,
- court of appeals,
- court of assize,
- court of chancery,
- court of claims,
- court of conscience,
- court of equity,
- court of errors,
- court of honor,
- court of inquiry,
- court of probate,
- court of record,
- court of requests,
- court of review,
- court of sessions,
- court of wards,
- criminal court,
- den,
- district court,
- divorce court,
- embassy,
- equity court,
- executive office,
- family court,
- files,
- headquarters,
- home office,
- hustings,
- hustings court,
- juvenile court,
- kangaroo court,
- legation,
- main office,
- mock court,
- moot court,
- night court,
- office,
- police court,
- prize court,
- probate court,
- register office,
- registry,
- sessions,
- shop,
- study,
- superior court,
- ticket office,
- traffic court