Exact Match:
- intimate
- marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity; "intimate friend"; "intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles" - V.L. Parrington
- thoroughly acquainted through study or experience; "this girl, so intimate with nature"-W.H.Hudson; "knowledgeable about the technique of painting"- Herbert Read
- involved in a sexual relationship; "the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife"; "she had been intimate with many men"
- give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife"
- absolute,
- acquaintance,
- acquainted with,
- adumbrate,
- advocate,
- affectionate,
- allegorize,
- allied,
- allude to,
- alter ego,
- amigo,
- anonymous,
- approaching,
- approximate,
- approximating,
- arm-in-arm,
- assembled,
- associate,
- associated,
- assume,
- at home in,
- at home with,
- attest,
- backer,
- banded together,
- bespeak,
- best friend,
- betoken,
- bosom,
- bosom friend,
- bound,
- bracketed,
- bring to mind,
- brother,
- buddy,
- buddy-buddy,
- burning,
- carnal,
- casual acquaintance,
- caution,
- central,
- certain,
- chatty,
- cheek-by-jowl,
- cheerful,
- cherished,
- chum,
- chummy,
- close,
- close acquaintance,
- close friend,
- closet,
- colleague,
- collected,
- comfortable,
- comfy,
- communicate,
- companion,
- comrade,
- concrete,
- confidant,
- confidante,
- confident,
- confidential,
- confrere,
- conjoined,
- connected,
- connote,
- conversant with,
- copulate,
- cosy,
- coupled,
- cozy,
- crony,
- dear,
- deep,
- deep-seated,
- defined,
- definite,
- detailed,
- determinate,
- devoted,
- different,
- distinct,
- distinguished,
- drop a hint,
- elemental,
- entail,
- esoteric,
- especial,
- essential,
- exceptional,
- exhaustive,
- express,
- extraordinary,
- familiar,
- familiar with,
- favorer,
- fellow,
- fellow creature,
- fellowman,
- fixed,
- fond,
- friend,
- friendly,
- gathered,
- give a hint,
- give the cue,
- glance at,
- hand and glove,
- hand-in-glove,
- hand-in-hand,
- hidden,
- hint,
- hint at,
- homelike,
- homely,
- homey,
- homish,
- hot,
- implicate,
- imply,
- import,
- inborn,
- inbred,
- incognito,
- incorporated,
- indicate,
- individual,
- indoor,
- indwelling,
- infer,
- informal,
- informed in,
- ingrained,
- inmost,
- innate,
- inner,
- innermost,
- inseparable,
- inseparable friend,
- inside,
- insinuate,
- integrated,
- interior,
- internal,
- intestine,
- intimate with,
- intrinsic,
- involve,
- inward,
- isolated,
- joined,
- knotted,
- leagued,
- linked,
- lover,
- loving,
- make known,
- master of,
- matched,
- mate,
- mated,
- mean,
- mean to say,
- merged,
- minute,
- mucker,
- near,
- near the mark,
- nearest,
- nearing,
- nearish,
- neighbor,
- next,
- nigh,
- nighish,
- noteworthy,
- other self,
- paired,
- pal,
- pally,
- palsy-walsy,
- particular,
- partisan,
- peaceful,
- penetrating,
- personal,
- pickup,
- plain,
- point indirectly to,
- precise,
- presume,
- presuppose,
- private,
- privy,
- proficient in,
- profound,
- prompt,
- propinque,
- proximal,
- proximate,
- refer to,
- repository,
- respective,
- retired,
- secluded,
- secret,
- sequestered,
- several,
- sexual,
- side-by-side,
- sidekick,
- simple,
- singular,
- snug,
- solipsistic,
- special,
- specific,
- spliced,
- strong in,
- suggest,
- supporter,
- suppose,
- sympathizer,
- take for granted,
- tete-a-tete,
- thick,
- thick as thieves,
- thorough,
- tied,
- tip off,
- undivided,
- united,
- unpretending,
- unseparated,
- up on,
- versed in,
- vicinal,
- warm,
- warn,
- wedded,
- well-read in,
- well-wisher,
- withdrawn,
- yoked