Exact Match:
- charnel house
- a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited
- barrow,
- beehive tomb,
- bone house,
- box grave,
- burial,
- burial chamber,
- burial mound,
- burning ghat,
- catacombs,
- cenotaph,
- cist,
- cist grave,
- crematorium,
- crematory,
- cromlech,
- crypt,
- deadhouse,
- deep six,
- dokhma,
- dolmen,
- grave,
- house of death,
- last home,
- long home,
- low green tent,
- low house,
- mastaba,
- mausoleum,
- monstrance,
- morgue,
- mortuary,
- mummy chamber,
- narrow house,
- ossuarium,
- ossuary,
- passage grave,
- pit,
- pyramid,
- reliquary,
- resting place,
- sepulcher,
- shaft grave,
- shrine,
- stupa,
- tomb,
- tope,
- tower of silence,
- tumulus,
- vault