Exact Match:
- cheery
- bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile"
- Leibnizian,
- affable,
- agreeable,
- amiable,
- amicable,
- animating,
- beaming,
- beatific,
- beatified,
- blessed,
- blissful,
- blithe,
- blithesome,
- bright,
- bright and sunny,
- capering,
- cheerful,
- cheering,
- chiliastic,
- chirk,
- chirping,
- chirpy,
- chirrupy,
- comfortable,
- compatible,
- complaisant,
- congenial,
- cordial,
- couleur de rose,
- cozy,
- dancing,
- desirable,
- dulcet,
- elated,
- en rapport,
- encouraging,
- enjoyable,
- enlivening,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- exalted,
- exhilarated,
- exhilarating,
- fair,
- fair and pleasant,
- felicific,
- felicitous,
- fine,
- flushed,
- flushed with joy,
- friendly,
- gay,
- genial,
- glad,
- gladdening,
- gladsome,
- glowing,
- good,
- goodly,
- gracious,
- grateful,
- gratifying,
- happy,
- harmonious,
- heart-warming,
- heartening,
- high,
- homelike,
- homely,
- homey,
- homish,
- honeyed,
- hopeful,
- in good spirits,
- in high spirits,
- inspiring,
- inspiriting,
- intimate,
- invigorating,
- irrepressible,
- joyful,
- joyous,
- laughing,
- leaping,
- lightsome,
- likable,
- mellifluous,
- mellow,
- millenarian,
- millennialistic,
- nice,
- of good cheer,
- optimistic,
- peaceful,
- perfectibilitarian,
- perfectionist,
- plain,
- pleasant,
- pleasing,
- pleasurable,
- pleasure-giving,
- pleasureful,
- purring,
- radiant,
- rewarding,
- riant,
- rose-colored,
- roseate,
- rosy,
- sanguine,
- sanguineous,
- satisfying,
- simple,
- singing,
- smiling,
- smirking,
- snug,
- sparkling,
- starry-eyed,
- sunny,
- sweet,
- thrice happy,
- unpretending,
- upbeat,
- utopian,
- welcome,
- winsome