Exact Match:
- chicken
- a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
- a foolhardy competition; a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stops
- the flesh of a chicken used for food
- easily frightened
- Ancona,
- Andalusian,
- Australorp,
- Bantam,
- Brahma,
- Campine,
- Cochin,
- Cornish,
- Cornish hen,
- Hamburg,
- Hershey bar,
- Leghorn,
- Lord Fauntleroy,
- Milquetoast,
- New Hampshire red,
- Orpington,
- Percy,
- Plymouth Rock,
- Rhode Island red,
- Rock Cornish,
- Sumatra,
- Sussex,
- afraid,
- anemic,
- asthenic,
- auntie,
- aviation badge,
- baby,
- back out,
- badge,
- banty,
- bar,
- barn-door fowl,
- barnyard fowl,
- bi-guy,
- biddy,
- big baby,
- bisexual,
- black Minorca,
- black Spanish,
- black Sumatra,
- bloodless,
- blue Orpington,
- boggle,
- broiler,
- brooder,
- broody hen,
- buff Orpington,
- bull dyke,
- butch,
- caille,
- canard,
- caneton,
- capon,
- catamite,
- chanticleer,
- chapon,
- chevron,
- chick,
- chickabiddy,
- chicken liver,
- chicken out,
- chickenhearted,
- chicky,
- cock,
- cockerel,
- coward,
- cowardly,
- cowed,
- craven,
- cream puff,
- crybaby,
- dastard,
- daunted,
- debilitated,
- desert under fire,
- dindon,
- dismayed,
- domestic fowl,
- doormat,
- drake,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- duck,
- duckling,
- dull,
- dull tool,
- dunghill fowl,
- dyke,
- eagle,
- effeminate,
- effete,
- epaulet,
- etiolated,
- fag,
- faggot,
- faint,
- fainthearted,
- faintish,
- fairy,
- faisan,
- falter,
- fearful,
- feeble,
- femme,
- flabby,
- flaccid,
- flit,
- floppy,
- fowl,
- fraid-cat,
- fraidy-cat,
- fricatrice,
- fruit,
- fryer,
- funk,
- funk out,
- funker,
- funking,
- funky,
- game fowl,
- gander,
- get cold feet,
- gobbler,
- gone,
- goody-goody,
- goose,
- gosling,
- grouse,
- guinea cock,
- guinea fowl,
- guinea hen,
- gunsel,
- gutless,
- gutless wonder,
- hash mark,
- hen,
- hen turkey,
- henhearted,
- homo,
- homophile,
- homosexual,
- homosexualist,
- imbecile,
- impotent,
- insignia of branch,
- intimidated,
- invert,
- invertebrate,
- jellyfish,
- languid,
- languorous,
- lesbian,
- lightweight,
- lily,
- lily liver,
- lily-livered,
- limber,
- limp,
- listless,
- lose courage,
- lustless,
- marrowless,
- meek soul,
- milk-livered,
- milksop,
- milksoppish,
- milksoppy,
- mollycoddle,
- mouse,
- mousy,
- muliebrous,
- namby-pamby,
- nance,
- nancy,
- nebbish,
- nerveless,
- nonentity,
- oak leaf,
- oie,
- old woman,
- old-womanish,
- organization insignia,
- overseas bar,
- overtimid,
- overtimorous,
- panic-prone,
- panicky,
- pansy,
- pantywaist,
- parachute badge,
- partlet,
- partridge,
- patch,
- pathic,
- pheasant,
- pigeon,
- pigeonhearted,
- pigeonneau,
- pip,
- pithless,
- poltroon,
- poltroonish,
- pooped,
- poulard,
- poulet,
- poult,
- poultry,
- powerless,
- prissy,
- pullet,
- punk,
- pushover,
- pusillanimous,
- quail,
- queen,
- queer,
- quitter,
- rabbity,
- roaster,
- rooster,
- rubbery,
- sad sack,
- sapless,
- sapphist,
- scaredy-cat,
- scuttle,
- service stripe,
- setting hen,
- shoulder patch,
- shoulder sleeve insignia,
- sinewless,
- sissified,
- sissy,
- sissyish,
- skedaddle,
- slack,
- soft,
- softling,
- softy,
- sop,
- speckled Sussex,
- spineless,
- spread eagle,
- spring chicken,
- spunkless,
- squab,
- star,
- stewing chicken,
- strengthless,
- stripe,
- submarine badge,
- timid,
- timorous,
- tom,
- tom turkey,
- tribade,
- turkey,
- turkey gobbler,
- turkey-cock,
- unhardened,
- unmanly,
- unmanned,
- unnerved,
- unstrung,
- volaille,
- weak,
- weak sister,
- weak-kneed,
- weakhearted,
- weakling,
- weakly,
- white Orpington,
- white Plymouth Rock,
- white Wyandotte,
- white feather,
- white liver,
- white-livered,
- wild duck,
- womanish,
- yellow