Exact Match:
- clambake
- a cookout at the seashore where clams and fish and other foods are cooked--usually on heated stones covered with seaweed
- $100-a-plate dinner,
- TV dinner,
- alfresco meal,
- barbecue,
- breakfast,
- brunch,
- buffet supper,
- campaign dinner,
- campaigning,
- coffee break,
- cookout,
- diner,
- dinner,
- electioneering,
- elevenses,
- fish fry,
- fund-raising dinner,
- high tea,
- hot luncheon,
- lunch,
- luncheon,
- mash,
- meat breakfast,
- petit dejeuner,
- picnic,
- politicking,
- rally,
- stumping,
- supper,
- tea,
- tea break,
- teatime,
- tiffin,
- whistle-stopping,
- wiener roast,
- wienie roast