Exact Match:
- complication
- the act or process of complicating
- a development that complicates a situation; "the court's decision had many unforeseen ramifications"
- a situation or condition that is complex or confused; "her coming was a serious complication"
- any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or because of) another disease; "bed sores are a common complication in cases of paralysis"
- abnormality,
- abstruseness,
- action,
- acute disease,
- affection,
- affliction,
- ailment,
- allergic disease,
- allergy,
- anagnorisis,
- angle,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- arduousness,
- argument,
- atmosphere,
- atrophy,
- background,
- bacterial disease,
- bind,
- birth defect,
- blight,
- bothersomeness,
- burdensomeness,
- cardiovascular disease,
- catastrophe,
- characterization,
- chronic disease,
- circulatory disease,
- clutch,
- color,
- complaint,
- complexity,
- complexness,
- condition,
- congenital defect,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- convolution,
- crabbedness,
- crampedness,
- crunch,
- deepness,
- defect,
- deficiency disease,
- deformity,
- degenerative disease,
- denouement,
- design,
- development,
- device,
- difficultness,
- difficulty,
- dilemma,
- disability,
- disease,
- disorder,
- distemper,
- drawback,
- embarrassing position,
- embarrassment,
- endemic,
- endemic disease,
- endocrine disease,
- entanglement,
- epidemic disease,
- episode,
- esoterica,
- fable,
- falling action,
- fine how-do-you-do,
- functional disease,
- fungus disease,
- gastrointestinal disease,
- genetic disease,
- gimmick,
- hairiness,
- handicap,
- hardness,
- hell to pay,
- hereditary disease,
- hobble,
- hot water,
- how-do-you-do,
- iatrogenic disease,
- illness,
- imbroglio,
- incident,
- indisposition,
- infectious disease,
- infirmity,
- intricacy,
- intricateness,
- involution,
- involvement,
- jam,
- knottiness,
- laboriousness,
- line,
- local color,
- malady,
- malaise,
- mess,
- mix,
- mood,
- morass,
- morbidity,
- morbus,
- motif,
- movement,
- muscular disease,
- mythos,
- neurological disease,
- nutritional disease,
- obstacle,
- obstruction,
- occupational disease,
- onerousness,
- oppressiveness,
- organic disease,
- pandemic disease,
- parlous straits,
- pass,
- pathological condition,
- pathology,
- peripeteia,
- perplexity,
- pickle,
- pinch,
- plan,
- plant disease,
- plight,
- plot,
- predicament,
- pretty pass,
- pretty pickle,
- pretty predicament,
- problem,
- profoundness,
- profundity,
- protozoan disease,
- psychosomatic disease,
- quagmire,
- quicksand,
- ramification,
- recognition,
- reconditeness,
- respiratory disease,
- rigor,
- rigorousness,
- rising action,
- rockiness,
- ruggedness,
- scheme,
- scrape,
- secondary disease,
- secondary plot,
- seediness,
- sickishness,
- sickness,
- signs,
- slant,
- slough,
- snag,
- spot,
- squeeze,
- stew,
- sticky wicket,
- story,
- strait,
- straits,
- strenuousness,
- structure,
- subject,
- subplot,
- subtlety,
- swamp,
- switch,
- symptomatology,
- symptomology,
- symptoms,
- syndrome,
- tanglement,
- technicality,
- the pip,
- thematic development,
- theme,
- tight spot,
- tight squeeze,
- tightrope,
- toilsomeness,
- tone,
- topic,
- toughness,
- tricky spot,
- troublesomeness,
- twist,
- unholy mess,
- urogenital disease,
- virus disease,
- wasting disease,
- worm disease