Exact Match:
- contradictory
- two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time
- unable to be both true at the same time
- of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false; "`perfect' and `imperfect' are contradictory terms"
- abjuratory,
- abnegative,
- absonant,
- adversary,
- adversative,
- adverse,
- adversive,
- alien,
- ambiguous,
- ambivalent,
- antagonistic,
- anti,
- antipathetic,
- antipodal,
- antipode,
- antipodean,
- antipole,
- antithesis,
- antithetic,
- antithetical,
- antonymous,
- at cross-purposes,
- at loggerheads,
- at odds,
- at variance,
- at war,
- balancing,
- breakaway,
- clashing,
- compensating,
- competitive,
- con,
- conflicting,
- confounding,
- confronting,
- confutative,
- confuting,
- contra,
- contradicting,
- contradistinct,
- contrapositive,
- contrarious,
- contrary,
- contrary to reason,
- contrasted,
- converse,
- counter,
- counteractant,
- counteracting,
- counteractive,
- counterbalancing,
- counterpoised,
- counterpole,
- countervailing,
- counterworking,
- cranky,
- cross,
- crotchety,
- dead against,
- denying,
- differing,
- disaccordant,
- disaffirming,
- disagreeable,
- disagreeing,
- disallowing,
- disavowing,
- disclaiming,
- discordant,
- discrepant,
- disharmonious,
- disowning,
- disproportionate,
- dissentient,
- dissident,
- dissonant,
- divergent,
- enemy,
- eyeball to eyeball,
- fallacious,
- faulty,
- flawed,
- fractious,
- grating,
- hostile,
- illogical,
- immiscible,
- inaccordant,
- inauthentic,
- incompatible,
- inconclusive,
- incongruous,
- inconsequent,
- inconsequential,
- inconsistent,
- inharmonious,
- inimical,
- invalid,
- inverse,
- irrational,
- jangling,
- jarring,
- loose,
- negating,
- negative,
- negatory,
- nonconformist,
- noncooperative,
- nonscientific,
- not following,
- nullifying,
- obstinate,
- obverse,
- opponent,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- opposite,
- oppositional,
- oppositive,
- oppugnant,
- out of accord,
- out of whack,
- overthwart,
- paradoxical,
- paralogical,
- perverse,
- polar,
- reactionary,
- reasonless,
- recalcitrant,
- recanting,
- refractory,
- refutative,
- refutatory,
- refuting,
- renitent,
- renunciative,
- renunciatory,
- repudiative,
- repugnant,
- resistant,
- reverse,
- revocative,
- revocatory,
- revolutionary,
- rival,
- self-annulling,
- self-contradictory,
- self-refuting,
- senseless,
- squared off,
- unauthentic,
- uncongenial,
- unconnected,
- uncooperative,
- unfavorable,
- unfriendly,
- unharmonious,
- unphilosophical,
- unpropitious,
- unreasonable,
- unscientific,
- variant,
- without reason