Exact Match:
- curious
- eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns); "a curious child is a teacher's delight"; "a trap door that made me curious"; "curious investigators"; "traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers"; "curious about the neighbor's doings"
- beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior"
- having curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more; "a trap door that made me curious"
- aberrant,
- abnormal,
- absurd,
- agape,
- agog,
- all agog,
- analytical,
- attentive,
- attracted,
- barmy,
- bizarre,
- burning with curiosity,
- careful,
- catechistic,
- cathectic,
- cautious,
- circumspect,
- concerned,
- considerate,
- consumed with curiosity,
- deviant,
- deviate,
- eccentric,
- enthusiastic,
- erratic,
- examining,
- excited,
- exotic,
- extraordinary,
- fascinated,
- freaked out,
- freakish,
- freaky,
- funny,
- ghoulish,
- gossipy,
- grotesque,
- heedful,
- impertinent,
- inquiring,
- inquisitional,
- inquisitive,
- inquisitorial,
- interested,
- interfering,
- intermeddling,
- interrogational,
- interrogative,
- interrogatory,
- intrusive,
- investigative,
- irregular,
- itchy,
- keen on,
- kinky,
- kooky,
- loving,
- meddlesome,
- meddling,
- mindful,
- morbid,
- morbidly curious,
- nosy,
- nuts,
- nutty,
- odd,
- oddball,
- off,
- off the wall,
- offbeat,
- open-eyed,
- openmouthed,
- out,
- outlandish,
- outrageous,
- outre,
- overcurious,
- passing strange,
- passionate,
- peculiar,
- piqued,
- pixilated,
- prurient,
- prying,
- quaint,
- queer,
- querying,
- questioning,
- quizzical,
- quizzing,
- regardful,
- scopophiliac,
- scrutinizing,
- searching,
- singular,
- snooping,
- snoopy,
- solicitous,
- strange,
- supercurious,
- tantalized,
- tender,
- thoughtful,
- tickled,
- titillated,
- turned-on,
- unconventional,
- unearthly,
- unusual,
- voyeuristic,
- weird,
- wondrous strange