Exact Match:
- daydream
- have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake; "She looked out the window, daydreaming"
- Walter Mitty,
- absence of mind,
- absentmindedness,
- absorption,
- abstractedness,
- abstraction,
- airy nothing,
- autism,
- bad dream,
- be absent,
- bemusement,
- brown study,
- bubble,
- castle-building,
- chimera,
- conceiving,
- daydreamer,
- daydreaming,
- deception,
- deluded belief,
- delusion,
- depth of thought,
- dereism,
- divagate,
- dream,
- dream of,
- dream vision,
- dreaming,
- dreamland,
- dreamworld,
- engrossment,
- false belief,
- fantasy,
- fantasying,
- fit of abstraction,
- freak out,
- go woolgathering,
- ignis fatuus,
- illusion,
- imagination,
- imagining,
- incubus,
- misbelief,
- misconception,
- moon,
- mooning,
- moonraking,
- muse,
- musefulness,
- musing,
- muted ecstasy,
- nightmare,
- nostalgia,
- phantasm,
- pipe dream,
- pipe-dream,
- pipe-dreaming,
- preoccupation,
- reverie,
- self-deceit,
- self-deception,
- self-delusion,
- stargaze,
- stargazing,
- stray,
- study,
- trance,
- trick,
- trip,
- vapor,
- vision,
- wander,
- wishful thinking,
- wishfulness,
- wistful eye,
- wistfulness,
- woolgathering,
- wrong impression,
- yearnfulness