- advanced age,
- advanced years,
- adynamia,
- age of retirement,
- an incurable disease,
- anemia,
- anility,
- atony,
- blah feeling,
- bloodlessness,
- brain fag,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- caducity,
- chronic ill health,
- cowardice,
- debilitation,
- decline of life,
- declining years,
- decrepitude,
- delicacy,
- delicate health,
- disease,
- dotage,
- dullness,
- eld,
- elderliness,
- enervation,
- enfeeblement,
- etiolation,
- exhaustion,
- eyestrain,
- faintness,
- fatigue,
- feebleness,
- flabbiness,
- flaccidity,
- fragility,
- frailty,
- goneness,
- green old age,
- hale old age,
- healthlessness,
- heart strain,
- hoary age,
- hypochondria,
- hypochondriasis,
- ill health,
- impotence,
- infirm old age,
- infirmity,
- infirmity of age,
- invalidism,
- invalidity,
- jadedness,
- languishing,
- languishment,
- languor,
- lassitude,
- listlessness,
- longevity,
- malaise,
- mental fatigue,
- mental strain,
- morbidity,
- morbidness,
- old age,
- oldness,
- overstrain,
- overtiredness,
- peakedness,
- pensionable age,
- poor health,
- prostration,
- ricketiness,
- ripe old age,
- second childhood,
- senectitude,
- senility,
- senior citizenship,
- sickliness,
- sleepiness,
- sluggishness,
- softness,
- stance fatigue,
- strain,
- strengthlessness,
- superannuation,
- the downward slope,
- the golden years,
- tiredness,
- unhealthiness,
- unsoundness,
- unwholesomeness,
- vale of years,
- valetudinarianism,
- wasting,
- weakliness,
- weakness,
- wearifulness,
- weariness,
- white hairs