Exact Match:
- distemper
- a method of painting in which the pigments are mixed with water and a binder; used for painting posters or murals or stage scenery
- a painting created with paint that is made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder
- paint made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder
- any of various infectious viral diseases of animals
- paint with distemper
- Texas fever,
- abnormality,
- acute disease,
- affection,
- affliction,
- ailment,
- allergic disease,
- allergy,
- anarchism,
- anarchy,
- anthrax,
- aphthous fever,
- atrophy,
- bacterial disease,
- bighead,
- birth defect,
- black quarter,
- blackleg,
- blackwater,
- blight,
- blind staggers,
- bloody flux,
- broken wind,
- cardiovascular disease,
- cattle plague,
- charbon,
- chromogen,
- chronic disease,
- circulatory disease,
- coat,
- coat of paint,
- coating,
- color,
- color filter,
- color gelatin,
- colorant,
- coloring,
- complaint,
- complication,
- condition,
- congenital defect,
- dead-color,
- defect,
- deficiency disease,
- deformity,
- degenerative disease,
- derange,
- disability,
- disarrange,
- disarray,
- discompose,
- disease,
- disjoint,
- disorder,
- disturb,
- drier,
- dye,
- dyestuff,
- endemic,
- endemic disease,
- endocrine disease,
- epidemic disease,
- exterior paint,
- flat coat,
- flat wash,
- floor enamel,
- foot-and-mouth disease,
- functional disease,
- fungus disease,
- gapes,
- gastrointestinal disease,
- genetic disease,
- glanders,
- ground,
- handicap,
- heaves,
- hereditary disease,
- hog cholera,
- hoof-and-mouth disease,
- hydrophobia,
- iatrogenic disease,
- illness,
- indisposition,
- infectious disease,
- infirmity,
- interior paint,
- liver rot,
- loco,
- loco disease,
- locoism,
- mad staggers,
- malady,
- malaise,
- malignant catarrh,
- malignant catarrhal fever,
- malignant pustule,
- mange,
- medium,
- megrims,
- milzbrand,
- misrule,
- mix up,
- morbidity,
- morbus,
- muddle,
- muscular disease,
- neurological disease,
- nutritional disease,
- occupational disease,
- opaque color,
- organic disease,
- paint,
- pandemic disease,
- paratuberculosis,
- pathological condition,
- pathology,
- pigment,
- pip,
- plant disease,
- prime coat,
- primer,
- priming,
- protozoan disease,
- pseudotuberculosis,
- psychosomatic disease,
- quarter evil,
- rabies,
- respiratory disease,
- rinderpest,
- riot,
- rockiness,
- rot,
- rummage,
- scabies,
- secondary disease,
- seediness,
- sheep rot,
- sickishness,
- sickness,
- signs,
- splenic fever,
- staggers,
- stain,
- stringhalt,
- swine dysentery,
- symptomatology,
- symptomology,
- symptoms,
- syndrome,
- tempera,
- the pip,
- thinner,
- tinction,
- tincture,
- transparent color,
- turpentine,
- turps,
- undercoat,
- undercoating,
- urogenital disease,
- vehicle,
- virus disease,
- wash,
- wash coat,
- wasting disease,
- worm disease