- Amytal,
- Amytal pill,
- Demerol,
- Dolophine,
- H,
- Luminal,
- Luminal pill,
- M,
- Mickey Finn,
- Nembutal,
- Nembutal pill,
- Schmerz,
- Seconal,
- Seconal pill,
- Slough of Despond,
- Tuinal,
- Tuinal pill,
- adverse circumstances,
- adversity,
- affliction,
- aggravation,
- alcohol,
- amobarbital sodium,
- analgesic,
- annoyance,
- anodyne,
- bad news,
- barb,
- barbiturate,
- barbiturate pill,
- bedevilment,
- black stuff,
- blank despondency,
- blight,
- blue,
- blue angel,
- blue devil,
- blue heaven,
- blue velvet,
- bore,
- bother,
- botheration,
- bothersomeness,
- bummer,
- calmative,
- care,
- chloral hydrate,
- codeine,
- codeine cough syrup,
- crashing bore,
- cross,
- curse,
- death wish,
- dejectedness,
- dejection,
- depressant,
- depression,
- depressor,
- despair,
- despondency,
- despondentness,
- devilment,
- difficulties,
- difficulty,
- discouragement,
- disheartenment,
- dispiritedness,
- dogging,
- dolly,
- down trip,
- downcastness,
- downheartedness,
- drag,
- drooping spirits,
- exasperation,
- goofball,
- harassment,
- hard knocks,
- hard life,
- hard lot,
- hard stuff,
- hardcase,
- hardship,
- harrying,
- headache,
- heartlessness,
- heroin,
- hop,
- hopelessness,
- horse,
- hounding,
- hypnotic,
- irritation,
- junk,
- knockout drops,
- laudanum,
- liquor,
- lotus,
- low spirits,
- lowness,
- lowness of spirit,
- malaise,
- meperidine,
- methadone,
- molestation,
- morphia,
- morphine,
- narcotic,
- nuisance,
- opiate,
- opium,
- oppression,
- pacifier,
- pain killer,
- paregoric,
- pen yan,
- persecution,
- pessimism,
- pest,
- phenobarbital,
- phenobarbital sodium,
- plight,
- predicament,
- pressure,
- problem,
- purple heart,
- quietener,
- rainbow,
- red,
- rigor,
- scag,
- sea of troubles,
- secobarbital sodium,
- sedative,
- self-destructive urge,
- shit,
- sinking heart,
- sleep-inducer,
- sleeper,
- sleeping draught,
- sleeping pill,
- smack,
- sodium thiopental,
- somnifacient,
- soother,
- soothing syrup,
- soporific,
- spiritlessness,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- suicidal despair,
- taedium vitae,
- tar,
- tranquilizer,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- trouble,
- troubles,
- turps,
- vale of tears,
- vexation,
- vexatiousness,
- vicissitude,
- weariness of life,
- white stuff,
- worriment,
- worry,
- yellow,
- yellow jacket