Exact Match:
- enlargement
- a photographic print that has been enlarged
- the state of being enlarged
- Ditto copy,
- Photostat,
- Xerox,
- Xerox copy,
- access,
- accession,
- accomplishment,
- accretion,
- accrual,
- accruement,
- accumulation,
- addition,
- adjunct,
- advance,
- advancement,
- aggrandizement,
- aggravation,
- ampliation,
- amplification,
- annoyance,
- appreciation,
- ascent,
- augmentation,
- ballooning,
- ballyhoo,
- big talk,
- bloating,
- blossoming,
- blowing up,
- blowup,
- blueprint,
- boom,
- boost,
- broadening,
- buildup,
- burlesque,
- caricature,
- contact print,
- contact printing,
- contentiousness,
- crescendo,
- cyanotype,
- deepening,
- deliberate aggravation,
- deployment,
- deterioration,
- development,
- developmental change,
- dilatation,
- dilation,
- dispersion,
- edema,
- elaboration,
- elevation,
- embittering,
- embitterment,
- enhancement,
- evolution,
- evolutionary change,
- evolvement,
- evolving,
- exacerbation,
- exaggerating,
- exaggeration,
- exasperation,
- excess,
- exorbitance,
- expansion,
- expatiation,
- explication,
- extension,
- extravagance,
- extreme,
- fanning out,
- flare,
- flood,
- flowering,
- furtherance,
- gain,
- glossy,
- gradual change,
- grandiloquence,
- greatening,
- growth,
- gush,
- hectograph copy,
- heightening,
- hike,
- hiking,
- hologram,
- huckstering,
- hyperbole,
- hyperbolism,
- impress,
- impression,
- increase,
- increment,
- inflation,
- inordinacy,
- intensification,
- irritation,
- jump,
- lantern slide,
- leap,
- magnification,
- matte,
- maturation,
- microcopy,
- microprint,
- mimeograph copy,
- mounting,
- multiplication,
- natural development,
- natural growth,
- negative,
- nonviolent change,
- offprint,
- overemphasis,
- overestimation,
- overkill,
- overstatement,
- photocopy,
- photograph,
- photogravure,
- photostatic copy,
- positive,
- print,
- prodigality,
- productiveness,
- profuseness,
- progress,
- progression,
- projection printing,
- proliferation,
- proof,
- provocation,
- puffery,
- puffing up,
- raise,
- raising,
- reprint,
- ripening,
- rise,
- semi-matte,
- sensationalism,
- sharpening,
- slide,
- snowballing,
- souring,
- splay,
- spread,
- spreading,
- stat,
- stretching,
- superlative,
- surge,
- swelling,
- tall talk,
- touting,
- transparency,
- travesty,
- tumescence,
- unfolding,
- up,
- upping,
- upsurge,
- upswing,
- uptrend,
- upturn,
- waxing,
- widening,
- working-out,
- worsening