Exact Match:
- elated
- exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited"
- full of high-spirited delight; "a joyful heart"
- beaming,
- blissful,
- blithe,
- blithesome,
- bloated,
- bloated with pride,
- bright,
- bright and sunny,
- bursting with happiness,
- carried away,
- cheerful,
- cheery,
- chuffed,
- cock-a-hoop,
- crowing,
- delighted,
- delighting,
- ecstatic,
- elate,
- elevated,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- entranced,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- exalted,
- excited,
- exhilarated,
- exultant,
- exulting,
- flushed,
- flushed with pride,
- freaked out,
- genial,
- glad,
- gladsome,
- gleeful,
- gloating,
- glowing,
- happy,
- high,
- hopeful,
- imparadised,
- in ecstasies,
- in good spirits,
- in heaven,
- in high feather,
- in high spirits,
- in paradise,
- in raptures,
- in seventh heaven,
- irrepressible,
- joyful,
- joyous,
- jubilant,
- laughing,
- of good cheer,
- on cloud nine,
- optimistic,
- overjoyed,
- overjoyful,
- pleasant,
- pleased as Punch,
- possessed,
- puffed up,
- radiant,
- rapt,
- raptured,
- rapturous,
- ravished,
- rejoicing,
- rhapsodic,
- riant,
- rosy,
- sanguine,
- sanguineous,
- sent,
- smiling,
- sparkling,
- sunny,
- swollen,
- thrilled,
- tickled,
- tickled pink,
- transported,
- triumphant,
- turned-on,
- uplifted,
- winsome