Exact Match:
- elephantine
- of great mass; huge and bulky; "a jumbo jet"; "jumbo shrimp"
- Atlantean,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Cyclopean,
- Gargantuan,
- Herculean,
- Homeric,
- Latinate,
- abysmal,
- arid,
- astronomic,
- awkward,
- barren,
- blah,
- blank,
- bloodless,
- bombastic,
- bulky,
- characterless,
- clumsy,
- cold,
- colorless,
- colossal,
- cramped,
- cumbersome,
- cumbrous,
- dead,
- dismal,
- draggy,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- dry,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- dusty,
- effete,
- elephantlike,
- empty,
- enormous,
- epic,
- etiolated,
- fade,
- flat,
- forced,
- formal,
- gargantuan,
- giant,
- giantlike,
- gigantic,
- graceless,
- guinde,
- halting,
- heavy,
- heavy-handed,
- heroic,
- ho-hum,
- hollow,
- huge,
- hulking,
- hulky,
- immense,
- inane,
- inexcitable,
- infinite,
- inkhorn,
- insipid,
- jejune,
- jumbo,
- labored,
- leaden,
- lifeless,
- low-spirited,
- lubberly,
- lumbering,
- lumpish,
- lumpy,
- maladroit,
- mammoth,
- massive,
- massy,
- mighty,
- monster,
- monstrous,
- monumental,
- mountainous,
- pale,
- pallid,
- pedestrian,
- plodding,
- pointless,
- poky,
- pompous,
- ponderous,
- prodigious,
- profound,
- sesquipedalian,
- slow,
- solemn,
- spiritless,
- sterile,
- stiff,
- stilted,
- stodgy,
- stuffy,
- stupendous,
- superficial,
- tasteless,
- tedious,
- titanic,
- towering,
- tremendous,
- turgid,
- ungraceful,
- uninspired,
- unlively,
- unwieldy,
- vapid,
- vast,
- wooden