Exact Match:
- exhaust
- system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
- gases ejected from an engine as waste products
- wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
- use up the whole supply of; "We have exhausted the food supplies"
- abate,
- ablate,
- absorb,
- assimilate,
- attenuate,
- avenue,
- backwash,
- bankrupt,
- beat,
- blackdamp,
- bleed,
- bleed white,
- blow,
- blow out,
- blowhole,
- blunt,
- breathe,
- breathe hard,
- breathe in,
- breathe out,
- broach,
- burden,
- burn out,
- burn up,
- carry too far,
- cast forth,
- castrate,
- channel,
- charge,
- chokedamp,
- chute,
- clean out,
- clear,
- clear away,
- clear off,
- clear out,
- clear the decks,
- coal gas,
- condensation trail,
- consume,
- contrail,
- cough,
- cramp,
- cripple,
- crush one,
- damp,
- dampen,
- deaden,
- debilitate,
- debouch,
- decant,
- defecate,
- defluxion,
- demasculinize,
- denude,
- deplete,
- deplume,
- desex,
- desexualize,
- despoil,
- devitalize,
- digest,
- disable,
- discharge,
- disembogue,
- disgorge,
- displume,
- dissipate,
- divest,
- do in,
- do up,
- door,
- draft,
- draft off,
- drain,
- drain of resources,
- drain off,
- drain out,
- drainage,
- draw,
- draw from,
- draw off,
- dry,
- dull,
- eat,
- eat up,
- effeminize,
- effluence,
- effluent,
- effluvium,
- efflux,
- effluxion,
- effusion,
- egress,
- ejaculate,
- eliminate,
- emanation,
- emasculate,
- emission,
- emit,
- empty,
- empty out,
- emunctory,
- enervate,
- enfeeble,
- erode,
- eruct,
- erupt,
- escape,
- estuary,
- etiolate,
- evacuate,
- eviscerate,
- exaggerate,
- exhalation,
- exhale,
- exhaust gas,
- exit,
- expel,
- expend,
- expire,
- extenuate,
- extravasate,
- fag,
- fag out,
- fatigue,
- find vent,
- finish,
- finish off,
- firedamp,
- flag,
- flay,
- fleece,
- floodgate,
- flow,
- flow out,
- flowoff,
- flume,
- frazzle,
- fritter away,
- fuel,
- fume,
- fumes,
- gas,
- gasp,
- give off,
- give out,
- give vent to,
- go overboard,
- go to extremes,
- go too far,
- gobble,
- gobble up,
- gruel,
- gulp,
- gush,
- gush out,
- hack,
- harass,
- haunt,
- haunt the memory,
- hiccup,
- huff,
- impoverish,
- ingest,
- inhale,
- inspire,
- issue,
- jade,
- jet,
- jet propulsion,
- knock out,
- knock up,
- know no bounds,
- lay low,
- let,
- let blood,
- let out,
- liquid oxygen,
- loophole,
- lose,
- malaria,
- mephitis,
- milk,
- mitigate,
- obsess,
- open the floodgates,
- open the sluices,
- opening,
- oppress,
- out,
- outcome,
- outfall,
- outflow,
- outflowing,
- outgate,
- outgo,
- outlet,
- outpour,
- outpouring,
- overact,
- overcarry,
- overdevelop,
- overdo,
- overdrive,
- overelaborate,
- overemphasize,
- overexercise,
- overexert,
- overexpend,
- overfatigue,
- overindulge,
- overlabor,
- overplay,
- overreact,
- overspend,
- overstrain,
- overstress,
- overstudy,
- overtask,
- overtax,
- overtire,
- overtrain,
- overuse,
- overweary,
- overwork,
- pant,
- pass all bounds,
- phlebotomize,
- pick clean,
- pipette,
- pluck,
- poop,
- poop out,
- pore,
- port,
- pour,
- pour forth,
- pour out,
- prey on,
- propellant,
- propulsion charge,
- prostrate,
- protest too much,
- puff,
- pump,
- pump out,
- purge,
- rattle,
- reaction propulsion,
- reduce,
- reek,
- remove,
- respire,
- rocket propulsion,
- run out,
- run through,
- runoff,
- sally port,
- sap,
- scour out,
- send forth,
- send out,
- shake,
- shake up,
- shear,
- sigh,
- siphon off,
- skin,
- sluice,
- sluice out,
- smoke,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- soften up,
- spend,
- spew,
- spew out,
- spill,
- spiracle,
- spout,
- spout out,
- spurt,
- squander,
- squirt,
- steam,
- sterilize,
- strain,
- stream,
- strip,
- strip bare,
- suck,
- suck dry,
- suck out,
- surge,
- swallow,
- swallow up,
- sweep out,
- tap,
- tax,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- thrust,
- tire,
- tire out,
- tire to death,
- tucker,
- unbrace,
- unclog,
- undermine,
- unfoul,
- unman,
- unnerve,
- unstrengthen,
- unstring,
- use up,
- vapor,
- vapor trail,
- venesect,
- vent,
- ventage,
- venthole,
- void,
- vomit forth,
- vomitory,
- vortex,
- wake,
- wash,
- waste,
- waste away,
- way out,
- weaken,
- wear,
- wear away,
- wear down,
- wear on,
- wear out,
- wear upon one,
- weary,
- weigh upon,
- weight down,
- weir,
- well,
- well out,
- wheeze,
- wilt,
- wind