- Machiavellianism,
- Prospero,
- Punic faith,
- Tartuffery,
- Tartuffism,
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- affectation,
- airiness,
- ambidexterity,
- apostasy,
- appearance,
- artfulness,
- artifice,
- bad faith,
- bamboozlement,
- barratry,
- befooling,
- bluffing,
- breach of faith,
- breach of promise,
- breach of trust,
- calculated deception,
- cant,
- circumvention,
- conning,
- craft,
- cunning,
- deceit,
- deceitfulness,
- deceiving,
- deception,
- deceptiveness,
- defectiveness,
- defrauding,
- delusion,
- delusiveness,
- dereliction,
- desertion,
- deviancy,
- disaffection,
- dishonesty,
- disloyalty,
- distortion,
- double-dealing,
- doubleness,
- doubleness of heart,
- dupery,
- duplicity,
- enmeshment,
- ensnarement,
- entanglement,
- entrapment,
- errancy,
- erroneousness,
- error,
- faithlessness,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- false appearance,
- false light,
- false piety,
- false show,
- falseheartedness,
- falsehood,
- falsity,
- fault,
- faultiness,
- fickleness,
- flaw,
- flawedness,
- flimflam,
- flimflammery,
- fond illusion,
- fooling,
- furtiveness,
- goody-goodiness,
- guile,
- hallucination,
- hamartia,
- heresy,
- heterodoxy,
- hoodwinking,
- hypocrisy,
- idealization,
- illusion,
- illusionism,
- illusionist,
- illusiveness,
- immateriality,
- improbity,
- inconstancy,
- indirection,
- infidelity,
- insidiousness,
- insincerity,
- kidding,
- low cunning,
- magic,
- magic act,
- magic show,
- magician,
- mala fides,
- mealymouthedness,
- mirage,
- misapplication,
- misconstruction,
- misdoing,
- misfeasance,
- misinterpretation,
- misjudgment,
- mummery,
- oiliness,
- outwitting,
- overreaching,
- peccancy,
- perfidiousness,
- perfidy,
- perversion,
- phantasm,
- pharisaicalness,
- pharisaism,
- pietism,
- pietisticalness,
- piety,
- piousness,
- prestidigitation,
- putting on,
- recreancy,
- religionism,
- religiosity,
- sanctimoniousness,
- sanctimony,
- seeming,
- self-contradiction,
- self-deception,
- self-righteousness,
- semblance,
- shiftiness,
- show,
- simulacrum,
- sin,
- sinfulness,
- sleight of hand,
- sneak attack,
- sneakiness,
- snivel,
- snow job,
- snuffle,
- song and dance,
- sorcerer,
- sorcery,
- specious appearance,
- spoofery,
- spoofing,
- subterfuge,
- surreptitiousness,
- swindling,
- tergiversation,
- treacherousness,
- treachery,
- trickiness,
- tricking,
- trothlessness,
- two-facedness,
- unactuality,
- unction,
- unctuousness,
- underhandedness,
- unfaith,
- unfaithfulness,
- unloyalty,
- unorthodoxy,
- unreality,
- unsteadfastness,
- unsubstantiality,
- untrueness,
- untruth,
- untruthfulness,
- victimization,
- vision,
- wile,
- willful misconception,
- wishful thinking,
- wrong,
- wrongness