Exact Match:
- flower
- reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
- a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
- the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- Chinese lantern,
- Christmas rose,
- Eglantine,
- acacia,
- advance,
- androecium,
- anther,
- arrowhead,
- asiaticism,
- aster,
- attain majority,
- axiom,
- azalea,
- batten,
- bead,
- bear fruit,
- bejewel,
- beribbon,
- bespangle,
- best,
- bleeding heart,
- bloom,
- blossom,
- blow,
- bluebell,
- boom,
- broom,
- bud,
- budding,
- burgeon,
- burgeoning,
- buttercup,
- cactus,
- calendula,
- calyx,
- camellia,
- carnation,
- carpel,
- center,
- champion,
- choice,
- chosen,
- chrysanthemum,
- cineraria,
- clematis,
- clethra,
- cockscomb,
- columbine,
- come of age,
- come out,
- come to maturity,
- core,
- cornel,
- cornflower,
- corolla,
- corolla tube,
- corona,
- cosmos,
- cowslip,
- cream,
- crocus,
- cyclamen,
- daffodil,
- dahlia,
- daisy,
- dandelion,
- delphinium,
- develop,
- device,
- diamond,
- dogwood,
- duckweed,
- edelweiss,
- effloresce,
- efflorescence,
- elect,
- elite,
- elixir,
- engrave,
- epicalyx,
- essence,
- essential,
- euphuism,
- evolute,
- evolve,
- fat,
- fatten,
- feather,
- figurative language,
- figurativeness,
- figure,
- figure of speech,
- filigree,
- finest,
- flag,
- flax,
- fledge,
- fleur-de-lis,
- floret,
- floriculture,
- floridity,
- floscule,
- flounce,
- flourish,
- floweret,
- flowery style,
- focus,
- forget-me-not,
- forsythia,
- foxglove,
- foxtail,
- fuchsia,
- fundamental,
- gardenia,
- gardening,
- garland,
- gem,
- gentility,
- gentry,
- geranium,
- germination,
- gist,
- gravamen,
- groundsel,
- grow,
- grow fat,
- grow up,
- growth,
- gynoecium,
- hawthorn,
- heart,
- heather,
- hibiscus,
- honeysuckle,
- horehound,
- horticulture,
- hortorium,
- hyacinth,
- hydrangea,
- hypostasis,
- illuminate,
- image,
- imagery,
- impatience,
- indigo,
- inner essence,
- iris,
- jasmine,
- jewel,
- jonquil,
- kernel,
- lavender,
- leave the nest,
- lilac,
- lily,
- lobelia,
- lotus,
- lupine,
- luxuriation,
- magnolia,
- mallow,
- manner of speaking,
- marigold,
- marrow,
- marsh marigold,
- marshmallow,
- maturate,
- mature,
- mayflower,
- meat,
- megasporophyll,
- mellow,
- microsporophyll,
- mignonette,
- moccasin flower,
- mock orange,
- monkshood,
- motherwort,
- myrtle,
- narcissus,
- nonesuch,
- nonliterality,
- nonliteralness,
- nonpareil,
- nub,
- nucleus,
- nuts and bolts,
- oleander,
- open,
- optimum,
- orchid,
- ornament,
- oxalis,
- paint,
- pansy,
- paragon,
- peony,
- perianth,
- periwinkle,
- petal,
- phlox,
- pick,
- pink,
- pistil,
- pith,
- plume,
- poppy,
- postulate,
- posy,
- pride,
- prime,
- primrose,
- principle,
- prize,
- progress,
- pullulation,
- purple passage,
- quality,
- queen,
- quid,
- quiddity,
- quintessence,
- ranunculus,
- reach manhood,
- reach twenty-one,
- reach voting age,
- receptacle,
- resurrection plant,
- rhododendron,
- ribbon,
- ripen,
- rose,
- sap,
- season,
- select,
- settle down,
- shoot,
- shooting star,
- snapdragon,
- snowball,
- snowberry,
- snowdrop,
- society,
- soul,
- spangle,
- spiraea,
- spirit,
- spray,
- sprouting,
- stamen,
- stigma,
- stock,
- strawflower,
- stuff,
- style,
- substance,
- sunflower,
- superlative,
- sweet William,
- sweet alyssum,
- sweet pea,
- temper,
- the best,
- the best ever,
- the nitty-gritty,
- the tops,
- the very best,
- thrive,
- tinsel,
- toga virilis,
- top,
- torus,
- trillium,
- trope,
- tulip,
- turn of expression,
- umbrella plant,
- unfold,
- upper class,
- upper crust,
- vegetation,
- verbena,
- vetch,
- viola,
- violet,
- wallflower,
- water lily,
- wax,
- way of speaking,
- wildflower,
- wisteria,
- wolfbane,
- wreathe,
- yarrow,
- yucca,
- zinnia