- Jacksonian epilepsy,
- Rolandic epilepsy,
- abandon,
- abdominal epilepsy,
- access,
- acquired epilepsy,
- activated epilepsy,
- affect epilepsy,
- agitation,
- akinetic epilepsy,
- amok,
- annoy,
- apoplexy,
- arouse,
- arrest,
- attack,
- autonomic epilepsy,
- awake,
- awaken,
- befuddlement,
- bewilderment,
- blockage,
- blow the coals,
- blow up,
- bluster,
- bother,
- botheration,
- bout,
- brawl,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- cacophony,
- call forth,
- call up,
- cardiac epilepsy,
- chaos,
- clonic spasm,
- clonus,
- cloud,
- commotion,
- confusion,
- convulsion,
- cortical epilepsy,
- cramp,
- craze,
- cursive epilepsy,
- daze,
- delirium,
- dement,
- derange,
- discombobulation,
- discomfiture,
- discomposure,
- disconcertion,
- disorder,
- disorganization,
- disorientation,
- distract,
- distraction,
- disturbance,
- diurnal epilepsy,
- drive insane,
- drive mad,
- ebullition,
- eclampsia,
- ecstasy,
- embarrassment,
- embroilment,
- enkindle,
- enrage,
- epilepsia,
- epilepsia gravior,
- epilepsia major,
- epilepsia minor,
- epilepsia mitior,
- epilepsia nutans,
- epilepsia tarda,
- epilepsy,
- excite,
- excitement,
- falling sickness,
- fan,
- fan the fire,
- fan the flame,
- fanaticism,
- feed the fire,
- ferment,
- fever,
- fire,
- fire and fury,
- fit,
- flame,
- flap,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- focal epilepsy,
- fog,
- foment,
- fomentation,
- foofaraw,
- fuddle,
- fuddlement,
- fume,
- furor,
- furore,
- fury,
- fuss,
- grand mal,
- haute mal,
- haze,
- heat,
- hubbub,
- hysteria,
- hysterical epilepsy,
- ictus,
- impassion,
- incense,
- incite,
- infatuation,
- inflame,
- infuriate,
- intoxication,
- jumble,
- key up,
- kindle,
- larval epilepsy,
- laryngeal epilepsy,
- laryngospasm,
- lash into fury,
- latent epilepsy,
- lather up,
- light the fuse,
- light up,
- lockjaw,
- mad,
- madden,
- madness,
- make mad,
- mania,
- matutinal epilepsy,
- maze,
- menstrual epilepsy,
- mess,
- mist,
- move,
- muddle,
- muddlement,
- murderous insanity,
- musicogenic epilepsy,
- myoclonous epilepsy,
- nocturnal epilepsy,
- occlusion,
- orgasm,
- orgy,
- outburst,
- overambitiousness,
- overanxiety,
- overanxiousness,
- overeagerness,
- overenthusiasm,
- overexcite,
- overzealousness,
- pandemonium,
- paroxysm,
- passion,
- perplexity,
- perturbation,
- petit mal,
- physiologic epilepsy,
- pother,
- psychic epilepsy,
- psychokinesia,
- psychomotor epilepsy,
- pucker,
- racket,
- rage,
- rapture,
- ravishment,
- reflex epilepsy,
- rotatoria,
- rouse,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruffle,
- rumpus,
- seizure,
- send mad,
- sensory epilepsy,
- serial epilepsy,
- set astir,
- set fire to,
- set on fire,
- shatter,
- shuffle,
- spasm,
- steam up,
- stew,
- stir,
- stir the blood,
- stir the embers,
- stir the feelings,
- stir up,
- stoppage,
- storminess,
- stroke,
- summon up,
- sweat,
- swivet,
- tardy epilepsy,
- tearing passion,
- tempestuousness,
- tetanus,
- tetany,
- throes,
- thromboembolism,
- thrombosis,
- tizzy,
- tonic epilepsy,
- tonic spasm,
- torsion spasm,
- towering rage,
- transport,
- traumatic epilepsy,
- trismus,
- tumult,
- tumultuousness,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- turn on,
- ucinate epilepsy,
- unbalance,
- unhinge,
- unsettlement,
- uproar,
- upset,
- visitation,
- wake,
- wake up,
- waken,
- warm,
- warm the blood,
- whip up,
- wildness,
- work into,
- work up,
- zeal,
- zealotism,
- zealotry,
- zealousness