Exact Match:
- fruity
- tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit
- ambrosial,
- aromatic,
- balmy,
- bananas,
- barmy,
- bats,
- batty,
- beany,
- bonkers,
- botanic,
- buggy,
- bughouse,
- bugs,
- bulbous,
- cereal,
- crackers,
- cuckoo,
- daffy,
- dippy,
- dotty,
- essenced,
- farinaceous,
- flaky,
- flavorful,
- flavorous,
- flavorsome,
- flavory,
- flipped,
- flowery,
- fragrant,
- freaked-out,
- fruitcakey,
- fruitlike,
- full-bodied,
- full-flavored,
- gaga,
- goofy,
- haywire,
- herbaceous,
- herbal,
- herbose,
- herbous,
- herby,
- incense-breathing,
- just plain nuts,
- kooky,
- leguminose,
- leguminous,
- loony,
- loopy,
- lunatic,
- mad,
- maniac,
- mental,
- mindless,
- musky,
- non compos mentis,
- nuts,
- nutty,
- odorate,
- odoriferous,
- odorous,
- off the hinges,
- off the track,
- off the wall,
- perfumed,
- perfumy,
- plantlike,
- potty,
- radicated,
- radiciform,
- radicular,
- redolent,
- rhizoid,
- rich,
- rich-flavored,
- rootlike,
- round the bend,
- savory,
- scented,
- screwball,
- screwballs,
- screwy,
- slaphappy,
- spicy,
- sweet,
- sweet-scented,
- sweet-smelling,
- thuriferous,
- tuberous,
- vegetable,
- vegetal,
- vegetarian,
- vegetational,
- vegetative,
- wacky,
- weedy