Exact Match:
- fudge
- soft creamy candy
- fake or falsify; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"
- Life Saver,
- Scotch kisses,
- absurdity,
- amphigory,
- applesauce,
- babble,
- babblement,
- balderdash,
- baloney,
- beat,
- beguile of,
- belie,
- bibble-babble,
- bilge,
- bilk,
- blabber,
- blather,
- blink,
- bombast,
- bonbon,
- bosh,
- brittle,
- bubble gum,
- bull,
- bunco,
- bunkum,
- burn,
- butterscotch,
- camouflage,
- candied apple,
- candy corn,
- caramel,
- carefully ignore,
- cheat,
- chewing gum,
- chisel,
- chocolate,
- chocolate bar,
- chocolate drop,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- claptrap,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- cold-shoulder,
- color,
- con,
- concoct,
- cook up,
- cotton candy,
- cough drop,
- counterfeit,
- cozen,
- cream,
- crib,
- cut a corner,
- cut corners,
- defraud,
- diddle,
- disguise,
- distort,
- divinity,
- do in,
- do out of,
- dodge,
- double-talk,
- drag in,
- dress up,
- drivel,
- drool,
- edge in,
- embellish,
- embroider,
- euchre,
- exaggerate,
- fabricate,
- fake,
- falsify,
- fantasize,
- fiddle-faddle,
- fiddledeedee,
- finagle,
- flam,
- fleece,
- flimflam,
- flummery,
- fob,
- foist in,
- folderol,
- fondant,
- forge,
- fudge in,
- fustian,
- gabble,
- galimatias,
- gammon,
- garble,
- gibber,
- gibberish,
- gibble-gabble,
- gild,
- glace,
- gloss,
- gloss over,
- gobbledygook,
- gouge,
- gull,
- gum,
- gumdrop,
- gyp,
- hard candy,
- hatch,
- have,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hogwash,
- hoke up,
- honey crisp,
- hooey,
- horehound,
- humbug,
- implant in,
- inject in,
- insert in,
- insinuate in,
- intercalate,
- interjaculate,
- interject,
- interpolate,
- interpose,
- intervene,
- introduce in,
- intrude,
- invent,
- jabber,
- jargon,
- jelly bean,
- jelly egg,
- jujube,
- kiss,
- lollipop,
- lozenge,
- lug in,
- magnify,
- make up,
- manufacture,
- marchpane,
- marshmallow,
- marzipan,
- mask,
- mint,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- misquote,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misstate,
- mulct,
- mumbo jumbo,
- narrishkeit,
- niaiserie,
- nonsense,
- nougat,
- overcharge,
- overdraw,
- overpaint,
- overstate,
- pack of nonsense,
- pack the deal,
- pad,
- palaver,
- pass over,
- pass over lightly,
- peanut bar,
- peanut brittle,
- peppermint,
- pervert,
- pigeon,
- popcorn balls,
- poppycock,
- practice fraud upon,
- praline,
- prate,
- prattle,
- put between,
- rant,
- rigamarole,
- rigmarole,
- rock candy,
- rodomontade,
- rook,
- rubbish,
- run in,
- saltwater taffy,
- sandwich,
- scam,
- scamp,
- screw,
- sell gold bricks,
- shave,
- shortchange,
- skim,
- skim over,
- skim the surface,
- skimble-skamble,
- skimp,
- skip over,
- slant,
- slight,
- slubber over,
- slur,
- slur over,
- smuggle in,
- squeeze in,
- stack the cards,
- stick,
- sting,
- strain,
- stuff and nonsense,
- stultiloquence,
- sugar candy,
- sugarplum,
- swindle,
- taffy,
- take a dive,
- thimblerig,
- throw a fight,
- throw in,
- thrust in,
- titivate,
- toffee,
- torrone,
- touch upon,
- touch upon lightly,
- trash,
- trick out,
- trump up,
- trumpery,
- tutti-frutti,
- twaddle,
- twattle,
- twiddle-twaddle,
- twist,
- understate,
- vaporing,
- varnish,
- victimize,
- waffling,
- warp,
- wedge in,
- whitewash,
- work in,
- worm in