- alive and kicking,
- animated,
- antic,
- bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
- capersome,
- chipper,
- coltish,
- enjoying health,
- eupeptic,
- exuberant,
- fine,
- fit,
- fit and fine,
- frisky,
- frolicsome,
- gamesome,
- gay,
- healthful,
- healthy,
- hearty,
- in condition,
- in fine fettle,
- in fine whack,
- in good case,
- in good health,
- in good shape,
- in health,
- in high feather,
- in mint condition,
- in shape,
- in the pink,
- lively,
- playful,
- rollicking,
- rollicksome,
- rompish,
- skittish,
- spirited,
- sportive,
- sprightly,
- vital,
- vivacious,
- zestful,
- zippy