Exact Match:
- gamesmanship
- the use of dubious (although not technically illegal) methods to win a game
- Italian hand,
- acuteness,
- art,
- artfulness,
- artifice,
- astuteness,
- cageyness,
- callidity,
- canniness,
- cleverness,
- competition,
- craft,
- craftiness,
- cunning,
- cunningness,
- cutthroat competition,
- emulation,
- fine Italian hand,
- finesse,
- foxiness,
- guile,
- ingeniousness,
- insidiousness,
- inventiveness,
- jockeying,
- lifemanship,
- one-upmanship,
- readiness,
- resourcefulness,
- rivalry,
- satanic cunning,
- sharpness,
- shiftiness,
- shrewdness,
- slipperiness,
- slyness,
- sneakiness,
- sophistry,
- stealth,
- stealthiness,
- subtilty,
- subtleness,
- subtlety,
- suppleness,
- trickiness,
- vying,
- wariness,
- wiles,
- wiliness,
- wit