Exact Match:
- gas chamber
- instrument of execution consisting of a sealed chamber into which poison gas is introduced; used to kill people or animals
- Belsen,
- abattoir,
- aceldama,
- ax,
- beheading,
- block,
- burning,
- butchery,
- capital punishment,
- concentration camp,
- cross,
- crucifixion,
- death chair,
- death chamber,
- decapitation,
- decollation,
- defenestration,
- drop,
- electric chair,
- electrocution,
- execution,
- field of blood,
- fusillade,
- gallows,
- gallows-tree,
- garrote,
- gassing,
- gibbet,
- guillotine,
- halter,
- hanging,
- hemlock,
- hemp,
- hempen collar,
- hot seat,
- judicial murder,
- lapidation,
- lethal chamber,
- maiden,
- necktie party,
- noose,
- poisoning,
- rope,
- scaffold,
- shambles,
- shooting,
- slaughterhouse,
- stake,
- stockyard,
- stoning,
- strangling,
- strangulation,
- the ax,
- the block,
- the chair,
- the gallows,
- the gas chamber,
- the guillotine,
- the hot seat,
- the rope,
- tree