Exact Match:
- grinding
- a harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears)
- matter resulting from the process of grinding; "vegetable grindings clogged the drain"
- the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice
- ablation,
- ablative,
- abradant,
- abrasion,
- abrasive,
- absolute,
- absolutist,
- absolutistic,
- application,
- arbitrary,
- aristocratic,
- arrogant,
- atomization,
- attrition,
- attritive,
- authoritarian,
- authoritative,
- autocratic,
- beating,
- boning,
- bossy,
- brainwork,
- brecciation,
- buffing,
- burdensome,
- burnishing,
- chafe,
- chafing,
- comminution,
- conning,
- contemplation,
- cram,
- cramming,
- crumbling,
- crushing,
- despotic,
- detrition,
- dictatorial,
- disintegration,
- domineering,
- dressing,
- drill,
- drudging,
- engrossment,
- erasure,
- erosion,
- erosive,
- exercise,
- exhausting,
- extensive study,
- feudal,
- filing,
- fragmentation,
- fretting,
- galling,
- gnawing,
- granulation,
- granulization,
- grating,
- grazing,
- grind,
- grubbing,
- hardworking,
- harsh,
- headwork,
- heavy,
- high-handed,
- imperative,
- imperial,
- imperious,
- inspection,
- irritant,
- irritating,
- irritative,
- jangling,
- jangly,
- jarring,
- laboring,
- levigation,
- limation,
- lordly,
- lucubration,
- magisterial,
- magistral,
- mashing,
- masterful,
- mental labor,
- monocratic,
- onerous,
- oppressive,
- overbearing,
- overburdensome,
- overruling,
- pegging,
- peremptory,
- perusal,
- plodding,
- plugging,
- polishing,
- pounding,
- powdering,
- practice,
- rasping,
- raspy,
- reading,
- repressive,
- restudy,
- restudying,
- review,
- rubbing away,
- sandblasting,
- sanding,
- scouring,
- scrape,
- scraping,
- scrapy,
- scratch,
- scratching,
- scratchy,
- scrub,
- scrubbing,
- scuff,
- severe,
- shining,
- shredding,
- slaving,
- slogging,
- smashing,
- smoothing,
- stinging,
- straining,
- strict,
- striving,
- struggling,
- study,
- studying,
- subject,
- suppressive,
- sweating,
- swotting,
- toiling,
- trituration,
- tyrannical,
- tyrannous,
- wear,
- wearing,
- wearing away,
- wearying,
- weighty,
- wide reading,
- working