Exact Match:
- hairy
- hazardous and frightening; "hairy moments in the mountains"
- having or covered with hair; "Jacob was a hairy man"; "a hairy caterpillar"
- Herculean,
- abstruse,
- arduous,
- asperous,
- barbellate,
- barfy,
- bearded,
- bewhiskered,
- bristled,
- bristling,
- bristly,
- brutal,
- bum,
- bushy,
- capillary,
- chancy,
- cheesy,
- cirrose,
- cirrous,
- comate,
- complex,
- complicated,
- confused,
- confusing,
- craggy,
- crappy,
- creepy,
- critical,
- crummy,
- dangerous,
- delicate,
- demanding,
- difficile,
- difficult,
- dirty,
- downy,
- exacting,
- fibered,
- fibroid,
- fibrous,
- flagelliform,
- fleecy,
- flocculent,
- flossy,
- fluffy,
- formidable,
- frightening,
- fringy,
- funicular,
- furry,
- fuzzy,
- glochidiate,
- godawful,
- goshawful,
- gossamery,
- grim,
- hairlike,
- hard,
- hard-earned,
- hard-fought,
- harsh,
- hazardous,
- hirsute,
- hispid,
- icky,
- intricate,
- jagged,
- jawbreaking,
- jeopardous,
- knotted,
- knotty,
- laborious,
- lanate,
- ligamental,
- matted,
- mean,
- nappy,
- nerve-racking,
- no picnic,
- not easy,
- operose,
- perilous,
- pilose,
- precarious,
- problematic,
- pubescent,
- punk,
- putrid,
- rigorous,
- risky,
- ropy,
- rough,
- rugged,
- scabrous,
- scary,
- scraggy,
- set with thorns,
- setaceous,
- setose,
- setous,
- severe,
- shagged,
- shaggy,
- shitty,
- silky,
- spiny,
- steep,
- stinking,
- stinky,
- strenuous,
- strigal,
- strigate,
- strigose,
- stringy,
- stubbled,
- stubbly,
- studded,
- taeniate,
- taeniform,
- tangled,
- thorny,
- threadlike,
- thready,
- ticklish,
- toilsome,
- tough,
- treacherous,
- trichoid,
- tricky,
- tufted,
- uncertain,
- uneven,
- unhealthy,
- unshaven,
- unshorn,
- unsmooth,
- unsound,
- uphill,
- vomity,
- whiskered,
- wicked,
- wiry,
- woolly,
- worrying,
- yecchy