Exact Match:
- hepatitis
- inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
- African lethargy,
- Asiatic cholera,
- Chagres fever,
- German measles,
- Haverhill fever,
- acute articular rheumatism,
- adenoiditis,
- adrenitis,
- ague,
- alkali disease,
- amebiasis,
- amebic dysentery,
- anthrax,
- appendicitis,
- arteritis,
- arthritis deformans,
- arthritis fungosa,
- arthritis pauperum,
- atrophic arthritis,
- atrophic inflammation,
- bacillary dysentery,
- bastard measles,
- black death,
- black fever,
- blackwater fever,
- blennorrhagic arthritis,
- brain fever,
- breakbone fever,
- bronchitis,
- brucellosis,
- bubonic plague,
- bunion,
- bursitis,
- cachectic fever,
- capillaritis,
- carditis,
- catarrh,
- catarrhal inflammation,
- cerebellitis,
- cerebral meningitis,
- cerebral rheumatism,
- cerebritis,
- cerebrospinal meningitis,
- chicken pox,
- cholangitis,
- cholecystitis,
- cholera,
- chronic infectious arthritis,
- chronic inflammation,
- cirrhosis,
- cirrhotic inflammation,
- climactic arthritis,
- clitoritis,
- colitis,
- collagen disease,
- conjunctivitis,
- cowpox,
- cystitis,
- dandy fever,
- deer fly fever,
- degenerative arthritis,
- dengue,
- dengue fever,
- diffuse inflammation,
- diphtheria,
- dumdum fever,
- dysentery,
- elephantiasis,
- encephalitis,
- encephalitis lethargica,
- endocarditis,
- enteric fever,
- enteritis,
- equine encephalomyelitis,
- erysipelas,
- exudative inflammation,
- famine fever,
- fibroid inflammation,
- five-day fever,
- flu,
- focal inflammation,
- frambesia,
- gastritis,
- gingivitis,
- glandular fever,
- glossitis,
- gonococcal arthritis,
- gonorrheal arthritis,
- gonorrheal rheumatism,
- gout,
- gouty arthritis,
- grippe,
- hansenosis,
- hemophilic arthritis,
- hepatoma,
- herpes,
- herpes simplex,
- herpes zoster,
- histoplasmosis,
- hookworm,
- hydrophobia,
- hyperplastic inflammation,
- hypertrophic arthritis,
- hypertrophic inflammation,
- icterus,
- infantile paralysis,
- infectional arthritis,
- infectious hepatitis,
- infectious mononucleosis,
- inflammation,
- inflammatory rheumatism,
- influenza,
- irritable bowel syndrome,
- jail fever,
- jaundice,
- jungle rot,
- kala azar,
- kissing disease,
- laryngitis,
- lepra,
- leprosy,
- leptospirosis,
- loa loa,
- loaiasis,
- lockjaw,
- lumbago,
- madness,
- malaria,
- malarial fever,
- marsh fever,
- mastoiditis,
- measles,
- meningitis,
- menopausal arthritis,
- metastatic inflammation,
- metritis,
- milk leg,
- milzbrand,
- mucous colitis,
- mumps,
- mumps meningitis,
- myelitis,
- necrotic inflammation,
- nephritis,
- neuritis,
- obliterative inflammation,
- ophthalitis,
- ophthalmia,
- orchitis,
- ornithosis,
- osseous rheumatism,
- osteitis,
- osteoarthritis,
- osteomyelitis,
- otitis,
- ovaritis,
- paradental pyorrhea,
- paratyphoid fever,
- parotitis,
- parrot fever,
- penitis,
- pericarditis,
- periodontitis,
- peritonitis,
- pertussis,
- pharyngitis,
- phlebitis,
- pneumonia,
- podagra,
- polio,
- poliomyelitis,
- polyarthritis rheumatism,
- ponos,
- proliferative arthritis,
- prostatitis,
- psittacosis,
- pyonephritis,
- pyorrhea,
- pyorrhea alveolaris,
- rabbit fever,
- rabies,
- rat-bite fever,
- reactive inflammation,
- relapsing fever,
- rheumatic fever,
- rheumatism,
- rheumatiz,
- rheumatoid arthritis,
- rhinitis,
- rickettsialpox,
- ringworm,
- rubella,
- rubeola,
- scarlatina,
- scarlet fever,
- schistosomiasis,
- sclerosing inflammation,
- septic sore throat,
- seroplastic inflammation,
- serous inflammation,
- serum hepatitis,
- shingles,
- simple inflammation,
- sinusitis,
- sleeping sickness,
- sleepy sickness,
- smallpox,
- snail fever,
- spastic colon,
- specific inflammation,
- splenic fever,
- spotted fever,
- strep throat,
- subacute rheumatism,
- suppurative arthritis,
- suppurative inflammation,
- swamp fever,
- syphilitic arthritis,
- tennis elbow,
- testitis,
- tetanus,
- thrombophlebitis,
- thrush,
- tinea,
- tonsilitis,
- torticollis,
- toxic inflammation,
- traumatic inflammation,
- trench fever,
- trench mouth,
- tuberculosis,
- tuberculous arthritis,
- tuberculous rheumatism,
- tularemia,
- typhoid,
- typhoid fever,
- typhus,
- typhus fever,
- ulcerative colitis,
- undulant fever,
- uratic arthritis,
- ureteritis,
- urethral arthritis,
- urethritis,
- uteritis,
- vaccinia,
- vaginitis,
- varicella,
- variola,
- venereal disease,
- vertebral arthritis,
- viral dysentery,
- visceral rheumatism,
- vulvitis,
- whooping cough,
- wryneck,
- yaws,
- yellow fever,
- yellow jack,
- zona,
- zoster