Exact Match:
- blister
- (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
- get blistered; "Her feet blistered during the long hike"
- cause blisters to from on; "the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet"
- subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the community"
- abscess,
- air bubble,
- aposteme,
- assail,
- attack,
- balloon,
- bed sore,
- bilge,
- birthmark,
- blackhead,
- bladder,
- blain,
- blaze,
- bleb,
- blemish,
- blob,
- blood blister,
- boil,
- boss,
- bow,
- brand,
- bubble,
- bubo,
- bulb,
- bulge,
- bulla,
- bump,
- bunch,
- bunion,
- burl,
- burn,
- burn in,
- burn off,
- button,
- cahot,
- canker,
- canker sore,
- carbuncle,
- cast,
- castigate,
- cauterize,
- chancre,
- chancroid,
- char,
- check,
- chilblain,
- chine,
- cicatrix,
- clump,
- coal,
- cold sore,
- comedo,
- condyle,
- convex,
- crack,
- crater,
- craze,
- cupel,
- defacement,
- defect,
- deformation,
- deformity,
- disfiguration,
- disfigurement,
- distortion,
- dowel,
- ear,
- eschar,
- excoriate,
- fault,
- felon,
- fester,
- festering,
- fever blister,
- fistula,
- flame,
- flange,
- flap,
- flaw,
- flay,
- found,
- freckle,
- furuncle,
- furunculus,
- fustigate,
- gall,
- gathering,
- globule,
- gnarl,
- gumboil,
- handle,
- hemangioma,
- hemorrhoids,
- hickey,
- hill,
- hump,
- hunch,
- jog,
- joggle,
- keloid,
- kibe,
- kink,
- knob,
- knot,
- knur,
- knurl,
- lash,
- lentigo,
- lesion,
- lip,
- loop,
- lump,
- milium,
- mole,
- mountain,
- needle scar,
- nevus,
- nub,
- nubbin,
- nubble,
- oxidate,
- oxidize,
- papilloma,
- papula,
- papule,
- parch,
- paronychia,
- parulis,
- peg,
- petechia,
- piles,
- pimple,
- pit,
- pock,
- pockmark,
- polyp,
- port-wine mark,
- port-wine stain,
- pustule,
- pyrolyze,
- rib,
- ridge,
- rift,
- ring,
- rising,
- roast,
- scab,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scathe,
- scorch,
- scourge,
- scratch,
- sear,
- sebaceous cyst,
- shoulder,
- singe,
- skin alive,
- slash,
- soap bubble,
- soft chancre,
- solder,
- sore,
- spine,
- split,
- stigma,
- strawberry mark,
- stud,
- sty,
- style,
- suppuration,
- swelling,
- swinge,
- tab,
- torrefy,
- track,
- trounce,
- tubercle,
- tubercule,
- twist,
- ulcer,
- ulceration,
- verruca,
- vesicate,
- vesicle,
- vulcanize,
- wale,
- warp,
- wart,
- weal,
- weld,
- welt,
- wen,
- wheal,
- whelk,
- whitehead,
- whitlow,
- wound