Exact Match:
- boss
- a person responsible for hiring workers; "the boss hired three more men for the new job"
- a person who exercises control and makes decisions; "he is his own boss now"
- exceptionally good; "a boss hand at carpentry"; "his brag cornfield"
- A per se,
- Big Brother,
- OK,
- ace,
- ace-high,
- administrator,
- anaglyph,
- ascendant,
- at the head,
- auditor,
- bad,
- bang-up,
- bas-relief,
- big cheese,
- bilge,
- blain,
- bleb,
- blister,
- blob,
- boatswain,
- bonzer,
- bow,
- bubble,
- bulb,
- bulge,
- bulla,
- bully,
- bump,
- bunch,
- burl,
- but good,
- button,
- bwana,
- cacique,
- cahot,
- cameo,
- cameo glass,
- capital,
- cavo-rilievo,
- champion,
- chaperon,
- chase,
- chef,
- chief,
- chieftain,
- chine,
- church dignitary,
- clump,
- coarsen,
- cock,
- colophon,
- command,
- commander,
- commanding,
- comptroller,
- concavity,
- condyle,
- control,
- controller,
- controlling,
- convex,
- convexity,
- cool,
- corking,
- crackerjack,
- cut glass,
- dactylogram,
- dactylograph,
- dandy,
- dean,
- delicious,
- dent,
- dint,
- direct,
- director,
- dominant,
- dominate,
- domineer,
- dowel,
- ducky,
- ear,
- ecclesiarch,
- elder,
- emboss,
- embossment,
- employer,
- excrescence,
- fab,
- famous,
- fine,
- fine and dandy,
- fingerprint,
- first-rate,
- flange,
- flap,
- floor manager,
- floorman,
- floorwalker,
- footmark,
- footprint,
- footstep,
- foreman,
- fossil footprint,
- fugleman,
- gaffer,
- gall,
- ganger,
- gear,
- general,
- genius,
- glyph,
- glyptograph,
- gnarl,
- goodman,
- governing,
- governor,
- granulate,
- great,
- groovy,
- guru,
- handle,
- head,
- headman,
- heavy,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- hierarch,
- high relief,
- higher-up,
- hill,
- himself,
- honcho,
- horripilate,
- hot,
- hump,
- hunch,
- hunky-dory,
- husband,
- ichnite,
- ichnolite,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprint,
- in ascendancy,
- in charge,
- in chief,
- in the ascendant,
- indent,
- indentation,
- indention,
- inspector,
- intaglio,
- intaglio rilevato,
- intaglio rilievo,
- jam-up,
- jog,
- joggle,
- just dandy,
- keen,
- keep in order,
- keynoter,
- kingpin,
- knob,
- knot,
- knur,
- knurl,
- laureate,
- leader,
- leading,
- liege,
- liege lord,
- lip,
- loop,
- lord,
- lord it over,
- lord paramount,
- low relief,
- lump,
- man higher up,
- manage,
- manager,
- managing director,
- marvy,
- mask,
- master,
- mean,
- medal,
- medallion,
- mole,
- monitor,
- mountain,
- neat,
- nevus,
- nifty,
- nobby,
- noncommissioned officer,
- nonpareil,
- nub,
- nubbin,
- nubble,
- okay,
- order about,
- out of sight,
- overlook,
- overlord,
- overman,
- oversee,
- overseeing,
- overseer,
- owner,
- pad,
- padrone,
- papilloma,
- paragon,
- paramount,
- paterfamilias,
- patriarch,
- patron,
- paw print,
- pawmark,
- peachy,
- peachy-keen,
- peg,
- pimple,
- plaquette,
- policy maker,
- predominant,
- predominate,
- prepollent,
- preponderant,
- preponderate,
- prepotent,
- president,
- prevalent,
- prexy,
- principal,
- print,
- proctor,
- prodigy,
- proprietor,
- pug,
- pugmark,
- quarterback,
- rabbi,
- raise,
- regnant,
- regulating,
- regulative,
- regulatory,
- reigning,
- relief,
- relievo,
- rib,
- ride herd on,
- ridge,
- ring,
- ringleader,
- ripping,
- rough,
- rough up,
- roughen,
- ruler,
- ruling,
- rum,
- run,
- sachem,
- sahib,
- scrumptious,
- sculptured glass,
- seal,
- seigneur,
- seignior,
- senior,
- shoulder,
- sigil,
- signet,
- sirdar,
- slap-up,
- slave driver,
- smashing,
- solid,
- something else,
- sovereign,
- spiffing,
- spiffy,
- spine,
- stamp,
- stand over,
- standard-bearer,
- star,
- starets,
- step,
- straw boss,
- stud,
- stunning,
- style,
- subforeman,
- super,
- superintend,
- superintendent,
- superior,
- superman,
- superstar,
- supervise,
- supervising,
- supervisor,
- supervisory,
- supreme,
- survey,
- surveyor,
- swell,
- tab,
- take care of,
- take charge,
- taskmaster,
- teacher,
- the greatest,
- the most,
- thumbmark,
- thumbprint,
- top,
- top dog,
- tough,
- tubercle,
- tubercule,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- vestige,
- virtuoso,
- visitor,
- wale,
- wart,
- welt,
- wizard